Back to work

They are talking about sending us back to normal in the middle of June.
Return to increased work schedules was in the works since last week by management. I heard from multiple controllers at different facilities that there were some regurgitated identical buzz words that ATMs & OM's were using as hints, that they didn't want to continue this schedule and it had nothing to do with the traffic. (Started happening May 1 at smaller facilities from what I can tell). Multiple centers were told at the beginning of April that this would end in May and be 5 on 5 off in June. This has nothing to do with current pandemic status, they were planning this from the start.
I’m going to go through withdrawals (both from alcohol and lack of days off) when we have to go back to normal chinese sweat shop status of 5/6 days on and 2/1 day weekends.... absolute horse shit.. how was I ok with that before.
Fuckin NATCA needs to get off their fat rich asses and renegotiate our bullshit contract /s

Return to increased work schedules was in the works since last week by management. I heard from multiple controllers at different facilities that there were some regurgitated identical buzz words that ATMs & OM's were using as hints, that they didn't want to continue this schedule and it had nothing to do with the traffic. (Started happening May 1 at smaller facilities from what I can tell). Multiple centers were told at the beginning of April that this would end in May and be 5 on 5 off in June. This has nothing to do with current pandemic status, they were planning this from the start.

Was with you until you tried selling the notion that the government had something planned and executed correctly and well, get your head out of your ass
Fuckin NATCA needs to get off their fat rich asses and renegotiate our bullshit contract /s

Was with you until you tried selling the notion that the government had something planned and executed correctly and well, get your head out of your ass
It’s not BS, Management at many facilities have fought the reduced schedule with the passion of the white book! Guarantee they are just waiting until they can pull the plug with higher level approval.
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