Former Jobs


What job/career are you leaving behind to become a controller? I'll start.

Project Manager, residential construction.
I’ve worked as a finance assistant for an auto group for a few years now. Saying I’ll be overjoyed to get my academy date call is a complete understatement.
Mine was basically just college only before I was ATC. Summers and after college I did oilfield and farm work.
I've been a Station Manager for Alaska Airlines, a Flight Attendant for Republic Airlines, and now I'm an Aviation Analyst for a consulting company working mainly with safety data and meeting support
After graduating in December of 2016 I realized I was done trying to pursue medical school. Spent half of last year soul searching on what to do next. This was perfect timing.
I work as a HR services delivery analyst, basically I analyze data and make sure that people who input time on their timesheets end up actually getting paid, if they don't get paid that's when I get involved, to see why.
Got my aircraft dispatch cert and went to work for ARINC Direct (now Rockwell Collins) as a flight coordinator/follower for a few years before getting a job at a tower.
Was a supervisor in Airfield Operations at one of the busiest airports in the US. Great pay, benefits, and experience. Tough to leave behind no doubt...
Habitual college dropout, flight coordinator for a jet charter/fractional ownership company, CNC machinist at a car part factory...
Waiting FOL now.
private pilot instrument, was working towards commercial for a possible career change, then I got my TOL

Leaving NYPD for something I always wanted to do (before top pay of course 😛 )
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