We work this job in golden handcuffs promised early retirement and benefits for life. We give up regular weekends through our 20s and 30s, holidays, constantly do 6 day work weeks, and our sleep schedule and health take a beating. They constantly understaff the facilities so we can't get spot leave and it's cheaper for them to just shell out more overtime than hire enough controllers. Probably make us die sooner so they don't have to pay our pension as long anyway. They make it extraordinarily hard to transfer to where you want to go, so you get stuck somewhere you hate for some of the best young years of your life. Sure, the pay is nice, but what does it do for the long term health. I've heard of the study NATCA did about the life expectancy of controllers who retire at 56 that came up with staggering numbers. I'm not saying I'd leave, but does anyone else ever think... is it all worth it? If I have kids I'm not sure I'd guide them down this path.