Serious Management Abuse


FAY Fayetteville Tower
Anyone dealt with bullying/abusive behavior from management? I've fought through some mental health issues to get back and keep my medical. We've reported the behavior up the chain through both Natca and the region but nothing has changed. I feel I need to be out of the building and I'm curious about workman's comp. I just don't know who to call. Any feedback appreciated.
Not a doctor or a lawyer. But I’m pretty sure mental illness can be considered a disability under the ADA and abuses that fall into that category are grounds for a hostile work environment claim. But don’t take it from me or anyone here, talk to a lawyer.
Union has been zero help with our management issues. Our facrep is essentially powerless since no one will help from outside the building

Anyone know who to talk to in the agency about hostile work environment?
I would immediately pick up the phone and call your RVP. Call Rich Santa or Brian Shallenberger. Additionally, I would go and file a complaint with the accountability board.
I just reached out to the collaboration and communication program rep for my region. I'll try them if it doesn't work. Thank you
They aren't going to be able to help you. If anything, that will hurt you. It will give them time to build a case on why they aren't being abusive. Call Brian Shallenberger. PM me if you need his number. You need to get ahead of this now.
They aren't going to be able to help you. If anything, that will hurt you. It will give them time to build a case on why they aren't being abusive. Call Brian Shallenberger. PM me if you need his number. You need to get ahead of this now.
Just messaged you.
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