N90 - All Source Bid 10/4/17


Forum Sage
The N90 all source bid (No Experience) will be posted on USAJobs from 10/4-10/10. We'll update the title of this thread and OP once the bid goes live.
In terms of the structure of the bid, we're still waiting on specifics, once we get some clarity, we can hopefully answer the following questions...

Will applicants be required to pass the BA and AT-SA?
Will there be a distance requirement from N90?
Will there be two pools of applicants (Military/CTI vs OTS)?

Applicants who are selected, will be sent to OKC for...
Basics (25 days, Pass/Fail)
RTF (20 days, Pass/Fail) Terminal Basic Radar Training Facility
TSEW (10-15 days, Pass/Pass) Terminal Approach Control Skill Enhancement Workshop
TETRA (TBD, Pass/Fail) Ten Eleven Twelve Radar Assessment
before going to N90. (Thanks @Stinger)

@DankVectorz or @Stinger might be able to provide additional information before the bid goes live.
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The point of this bid is to get some NYC area locals who in theory won't complain about the location, high cost of living, or want to transfer out and hope that some of them are capable of doing the job. Not to recruit the best and the brightest who will then be miserable at the facility.
RTF is not an easy pass course for somebody with no ATC experience coming off the street.

Controllers who are certified through towers get unsatisfactory scores
I'm trying to find out if someone fails the Academy for N90, are they eligible to apply for other general public announcements?
I would assume it's the same, fail the Academy once and you're done for future bids too.
I'm trying to find out if someone fails the Academy for N90, are they eligible to apply for other general public announcements?
I would assume it's the same, fail the Academy once and you're done for future bids too.

I thought I heard that if you fail the Center option there's a possibility(very low) of getting a go on the tower side, any truth to that?
My understanding is that you can't be selected on the same type of bid that you failed out on. IE if hired ots, you can't be rehired on an ots bid, but could be hired on a prior exp bid. But we all know people who slip through the cracks. My friend failed the academy in the enroute track and was given a tol for a prior experience bid about 6 months later.
I'm trying to find out if someone fails the Academy for N90, are they eligible to apply for other general public announcements?
I would assume it's the same, fail the Academy once and you're done for future bids too.

I thought I heard that if you fail the Center option there's a possibility(very low) of getting a go on the tower side, any truth to that?
Per the SOP for the assignment of academy trainees. HR is suppose to remove all applicants that have previously failed at the academy regardless of which track they failed. (Terminal/Enroute/RTF)

"Within 2 business days of accepting the referral list, ATO Management Services, Technical Requirements and Forecasting, Air Traffic Team (AJG-R41) will review the list to determine if there are candidates that have previously been selected, and were unsuccessful in required training at the FAA Academy or a field facility. These candidates will be removed from further consideration."

Like AJMezz said, you can wash from an OTS bid and be hired for a previous experience bid. If you're hired from a previous experience bid and wash at your facility and your employment is terminated, you are not eligible for OTS bids.
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So...OTS hired from this announcement would fall under the same pay scale as someone who went the terminal track? Except they go straight to level 12 and have to work in NY?
So...OTS hired from this announcement would fall under the same pay scale as someone who went the terminal track? Except they go straight to level 12 and have to work in NY?
Pay scales are based on the level of your facility, not whether you're terminal or enroute.
RTF is not an easy pass course for somebody with no ATC experience coming off the street.

Controllers who are certified through towers get unsatisfactory scores

A lot of that though (at least looking at my RTF class) was people not giving a shit because it was pass/pass.
Jeez, how understaffed IS N90?

Projected 48% end of this year I believe with a lot more retiring in the next couple years. I think my area loses 8 people between now and December 2018 and we already only have like 35 people instead of the 70 something we are supposed to. We only have 2 trainees at the moment too.
Just heard that if you are in the first two classes at OKC and fail you will be allowed to apply again to open bids. However anyone after the first two classes that fails will not be eligible to reapply
Just heard that if you are in the first two classes at OKC and fail you will be allowed to apply again to open bids. However anyone after the first two classes that fails will not be eligible to reapply
Yep, that's the way they're currently leaning, but it could change still.
There's three times someone can fail out of the Academy for N90. Basics, RTF, and the new TETRA class. So even though someone passes all the current requirements (basics and rtf) to go to a tracon, but fails in tetra, they will be terminated and not eligible to attend the Academy again (unless you're in the first two classes.)
Yep, that's the way they're currently leaning, but it could change still.
There's three times someone can fail out of the Academy for N90. Basics, RTF, and the new TETRA class. So even though someone passes all the current requirements (basics and rtf) to go to a tracon, but fails in tetra, they will be terminated and not eligible to attend the Academy again (unless you're in the first two classes.)
Thanks for the update Stinger. Does the TETRA class take the place of the assumed TSEW and N90 specific class?
Looking at...
Basics (25 days, Pass/Fail)
RTF (20 days, Pass/Fail)
TETRA (TBD, Pass/Fail)

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