Prior Experience Bid 2015 December


DAL Dallas Love Tower
when will the second round of TOL's for the prior experience bid appear? I hope it's not a dream ticket.
no idea. they are still short on their hiring goals for they FY. and of course next years hiring goal is over 1800 so there will be no shortage of openings. it's just a very slow process. believe it or not, its multitudes better than it used to be. 2-4 year wait times were common.

If you were selected, and all your stuff checks out, the offer will come... eventually 😳
Has anyone been picked up on this recent bid that is still active duty? Everyone that I know, including myself, was initially denied. However, I'm back in the hiring process awaiting the second wave of TOLs. I knew several people on last years prior experience bid that got picked up with up to two years left on active duty.
no idea. they are still short on their hiring goals for they FY. and of course next years hiring goal is over 1800 so there will be no shortage of openings. it's just a very slow process. believe it or not, its multitudes better than it used to be. 2-4 year wait times were common.

If you were selected, and all your stuff checks out, the offer will come... eventually 😳

Well I'm active duty for the next two months and initially I was referred then as soon as the first wave of TOL's came out I was denied... At the time of denial I still had more than 120 days of employment with the military left. My question is how do you know that they haven't met their numbers? I understand only a small portion controllers know about stuckmic and a smaller portion of that knows about pointSixtyFive, but by the amount that have inquired about the bid on both sites doesn't seem as if it's more than 30. Nevertheless where are your resources that say they haven't met the number of people need to hire?
of the
Has anyone been picked up on this recent bid that is still active duty? Everyone that I know, including myself, was initially denied. However, I'm back in the hiring process awaiting the second wave of TOLs. I knew several people on last years prior experience bid that got picked up with up to two years left on active duty.
I know ONE guy he was active duty and got out when the bid was open... He was accepted
Nevertheless where are your resources that say they haven't met the number of people need to hire?

On the HR staffing site. Checked again today and it appears they have met the quota for this year with 1/3 being given firm offers and the other 2/3 getting TOL.


I have no insight as to the status or pending actions from the job bid.

Edit: added screenshot for the less trusting
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On the HR staffing site. Checked again today and it appears they have met the quota for this year with 1/3 being given firm offers and the other 2/3 getting TOL.

View attachment 89

I have no insight as to the status or pending actions from the job bid.

Edit: added screenshot for the less trusting

I didn't expect them to reach the fiscal year goal this early, but then again I didn't consider the back log from the previous OTS and experienced bid. Do these numbers factor in those that had TOLs from bids before last year? I think I saw on stuckmic that some people were still waiting on a FOL from the 2014 bid.
Do these numbers factor in those that had TOLs from bids before last year?
hiring is confusing because there are so many stages in the process. when they use the word hired in this context, its people actually working, or for future periods-given firm dates to begin, for the faa. so while im not 100% certain, im very confident past tol holders, who have started this year, are counted towards this years totals.
hiring is confusing because there are so many stages in the process. when they use the word hired in this context, its people actually working, or for future periods-given firm dates to begin, for the faa. so while im not 100% certain, im very confident past tol holders, who have started this year, are counted towards this years totals.

That is disheartening if they reached their goals this soon. Thanks for posting all of this information, here and in other threads. For someone still active duty it helps me plan out my future.
That is disheartening if they reached their goals this soon. Thanks for posting all of this information, here and in other threads. For someone still active duty it helps me plan out my future.

No problem. I tried to reach out and get some people to post about COF but it looks like no one answered
No problem. I tried to reach out and get some people to post about COF but it looks like no one answered

Thanks for doing that. There is a job open out there that I qualify for and applied to just for the hell of it. A retired civilian at my tower knows several people at COF, but I want to get other opinions.
Im pretty sure the more we post on point65 over stuckmic the more ATO looks at us as credential candidates
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