RVA, washing out


Active Member
I'm interested in RVA but I'm a little worried about my controlling being rusty. I left the FAA years ago. I have plenty of experience and absolute confidence in my controlling ability once I learn the the ins and outs of a facility.

My concern comes from people who have said you only get 30 days to fully check out. Thats hardly enough time to settle in and familiarize yourself with a new facility. Anyone got some insight on this?
Some facilities are so slow that 30 days is more than enough time. SUA and OCF come to mind. Other facilities like CRG and HWO are busy. One dude retired from a level 12 up/down went to HWO and washed. RVA has some of the busier contracts.
That is pretty typical. I’ve heard they’ll give slight extensions if it seems like you’ll make it but they’re not in the habit of messing around. Like the previous post says, most of them 30 days is overkill. Your best bet would be to learn as much about the operation as you can before you show up so it eases the pressure. Getting gc shouldn’t take more than a week at the majority of towers, then you focus on local the rest of your allotted time. Use all the public tools available to your advantage (airnav, flightaware, liveatc, etc).
Some facilities are so slow that 30 days is more than enough time. SUA and OCF come to mind. Other facilities like CRG and HWO are busy. One dude retired from a level 12 up/down went to HWO and washed. RVA has some of the busier contracts.

Just about any 12 facility will get rocked by a like HWO and vice versa, completely different types of controlling
If you go to IWA or CHD you get FAA training hours ?
Ain't that a bitch. I did not know that.

I got an offer for IWA, but turned it down because of that 30-day shit. Didn't think I could hack it at that busy a place in that amount of time.
There is no cushion in the staffing at contract towers. The thirty day thing has been the norm for decades.
Most of them are slow enough though that it shouldn't be hard to pick it back up.
can anyone give me insight into this FAA training hours if you go to IWA? how does this work? and what benefit would it have if you eventually get picked up by the faa on a prior experience bid
I'm a former IWA controller. Spent 6 years there. You will earn every cent you make. We did 297,000 ops my last year in 2007 with 6 controllers. They unionized finally a few years back and the working conditions/staffing/pay are better now.
I'm a former IWA controller. Spent 6 years there. You will earn every cent you make. We did 297,000 ops my last year in 2007 with 6 controllers. They unionized finally a few years back and the working conditions/staffing/pay are better now.
thanks for the info! do you know what they mean by getting FAA hours?
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thanks for the info! do you know what they mean by eating FAA hours?
I think what they mean is you get time similar to Faa allotted times. IWA is impossible to check out in 30 days. 4-6 months is more accurate unless things have changed drastically.
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