VA service connected and ATCS medical question

Hello all,

Sorry, not sorry, to start for the vague refereces below.

I am a current ATCS at large facility. I separated from the military years ago and have some service connected disability things that I have disclosed to the FAA flight docs without any issues. I am currently 60%.

I am having some additional medical issues that would increase me to above 60%. I know that there's some provision with the VA and if someone becomes 100%, they become permanently disabled and eligible for a bunch of other things. I do not wish to lye to the FAA flight docs

Is it possible to be 100% through the VA and still hold a valid ATC medical? Is there anyone more than 60%?

Thanks for the information
I think it may depend of the reason for disability, but I’ve known civilian DoD controllers with 100% disability and they still hold their medical clearance. And I am pretty sure they take the same type of flight physical as the FAA controllers.
Without knowing the issue can't really speculate, though for us veterans if you get a 100% it's not necessarily permanent, it could be a cumulative.

If you get a T&P rating (Permanent and Total) then it is completely safe to safe it'll never go back down. And if you get a IU rating then you aren't able to work...period...
VA disability rating is irrelevant for medical clearance. There are plenty of people with more than 60%.
Let’s just say that it would a number of things that may add up to 100. None of them would impact my ATC medical.

IU is individual unemployable, right?
100 is different than IU?
Yes it is, you can easily get 100% without either IU or T&P. It's all dependent on the conditions, the claim that's being made, and the findings of the VA. You can have IU ratings that are less than 100%.
There is 100% unemployable and 100% employable. Having 100% doesn't disqualify you from ATC as long as you are able to meet the medical requirements outlined by OPM. Read up on the OPM requirements before you decide what you do and do not want to claim lol Any neurological disorder will disqualify you. don't claim Turrets, restless legs syndrome, lymes disease etc.

I'm at 70% and simply needed an additional statement from my doctor explaining my conditions and whether or not I could complete certain functions.
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