H.R.5292 - Air Traffic Controller Hiring Improvement Act of 2016


Active Member
Text - H.R.5292 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Air Traffic Controller Hiring Improvement Act of 2016

After the demise of H.R. 636 (born from S. 2658) we are presented with H.R. 5292.

H.R. 5292 looks to be a direct copy/paste from section 4124 of H.R. 636.

The bill has 122 co-sponsors and seems to be gaining traction in the House. It was referred several times today by Mr. Rinaldi and members of the Subcommittee on Aviation.

Let's hope for quick approval. NATCA is really pushing this one, as mentioned by Mr. Rinaldi. Contact your Senators and Represenatives about H.R. 5292.

It is unknown to me when it will be sent to the House for a vote.
The only difference I believe I read was that this bill lacks the requirement for the FAA to perform an in-person interview before hiring an applicant. Other than that, looks to be a copy-and-paste job.
bio test for only ots, cti's eligible under additional sources pool 1. way i read it, they must exhaust prior exp applicants before moving to cti/ots
H.R. 5292 looks to be a direct copy/paste from section 4124 of H.R. 636
That was the point. That language was already supported by Congress in the AIRR Act so there should not be any pushback as it moves forward. The hard part is getting it approved before Washington goes on break again.
It's going to fast track military controllers with ATC experience and CTI graduates with a recommendation from their school. They will be allowed to skip the BQ
It's good to see that they increased the age for prior experience applicants in this version of the bill. Hopefully if it passes that remains in the bill. I'm not age critical yet, but will be if this hiring shit takes any longer.
If this goes through, it is really going to screw over the AF in retaining ATCers

There was already a mass exodus over the past couple of years. Nearly all of our FTA plan on getting out within the next few years also. The paltry bonus that they are dangling in front of us isn't enough for most people. I'd stay in if they made us warrant officers like the Army has...
This whole process is getting crazy I have to use my GI Bill in order to get by... sad face
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