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    Indicate aircraft identity by one of the following using combinations not to exceed seven alphanumeric characters:

    1. Civil aircraft, including the air carrier letter digit registration number which can include the letter “T” for air taxi, the letter “L” for MEDEVAC, or the 3-letter company designator specified in FAA Order JO 7340.2, Contractions, followed by the trip or flight number. Use the operating air carrier's company name in identifying equipment interchange flights.
      • EXAMPLE
      • “N12345.”
      • “TN5552Q.”
      • “AAl192.”
      • “LN751B.”
    2. NOTE: The letter “L” is not to be used for air carrier/air taxi MEDEVAC aircraft.

    3. Military Aircraft.
      1. Prefixes indicating branch of service and/or type of mission followed by the last 5 digits of the serial number (the last 4 digits for CFC and CTG). (See TBL 2-3-6 and TBL 2-3-7.)
      2. Pronounceable words of 3, 4, 5, and 6 letters followed by a 4, 3, 2, or 1-digit number.
        • EXAMPLE
        • “SAMP Three One Six.”
      3. Assigned double-letter 2-digit flight number.
      4. Navy or Marine fleet and training command aircraft, one of the following:
        1. (a) The service prefix and 2 letters (use phonetic alphabet equivalent) followed by 2 or 3 digits.
        2. (b) The service prefix and a digit and a letter (use phonetic alphabet equivalent) followed by 2 or 3 digits.
      5. Aircraft carrying the President, Vice President, and/or their family members will use the identifiers in the following tables. See TBL 2-3-8 and TBL 2-3-9.
    4. Special-use. Approved special-use identifiers.
    TBL 2-3-6 Branch of Service Prefix
    Prefix Branch
    A U.S. Air Force
    C U.S. Coast Guard
    G Air or Army National Guard
    R U.S. Army
    VM U.S. Marine Corps
    VV U.S. Navy
    CFC Canadian Forces
    CTG Canadian Coast Guard
    TBL 2-3-7 Military Mission Prefix
    Prefix Mission
    E Medical Air Evacuation
    F Flight Check
    L LOGAIR (USAF Contract)
    RCH AMC (Air Mobility Command)
    S Special Air Mission
    TBL 2-3-8 President and Family
    Service President Family
    Air Force AF1 EXEC1F
    Marine VM1 EXEC1F
    Navy VV1 EXEC1F
    Army RR1 EXEC1F
    Coast Guard C1 EXEC1F
    Guard G1 EXEC1F
    Commercial EXEC1 EXEC1F
    TBL 2-3-9 Vice President and Family
    Service President Family
    Air Force AF2 EXEC2F
    Marine VM2 EXEC2F
    Navy VV2 EXEC2F
    Army RR2 EXEC2F
    Coast Guard C1 EXEC2F
    Guard G1 EXEC2F
    Commercial EXEC2 EXEC2F
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