
  1. hayashi310

    Academy Skippers

    Hello, all! I have just read this article: College Controller Grads To Skip FAA ATC Academy - AVweb Basically, it states that the FAA will now be hiring new CTI grads direct acceptance into facilities without having to go through Academy at Mike Monroney. They would still have to pass ATSA and...
  2. N

    New ATCS Hire, Placement After Academy

    Hi everyone! Just received my TOL, and I know I’m still probably a year out from Academy, but I was wondering how likely it would be to go to a certain area after graduation. I’m hoping to be able to stay somewhat near where I live now, for the sake of my wife and her family. I already have a...
  3. pointSixtyFive

    Facility Placement Plan 1.8

    The priority placement tool, along with the facility placement plan covers all facilities to determine priority of need, either through ERR, NEST, hardships, and new hire placement.
  4. MJ

    Discontinued En route Placement List 10/26/2022

  5. MJ

    Discontinued Terminal Placement list 10/26/2022

  6. pointSixtyFive

    New Hire Track Selection 5/20/2014

    The process by which the Air Traffic Organization (ATO) will assign training and facility tracks (Terminal Tower, Terminal RADAR and En Route) to new hire selections made from referral lists provided by the Office of Human Resources.
  7. pointSixtyFive

    Previous Experience Hire Placement 6/1/2015

    SOP for the facility placement of those hired under "previous experience" announcements. The military facility level equivalency spreadsheet is attached to the first post in the discussion tab.
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