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    Except in the case of a VFR aircraft practicing an instrument approach, an approach clearance automatically authorizes the aircraft to execute the missed approach procedure depicted for the instrument approach being flown. An alternate missed approach procedure as published on the appropriate FAA Form 8260 or appropriate military form may be assigned when necessary. After an aircraft commences a missed approach, it may be vectored at or above the MVA/MIA, or follow the provisions of paragraph 5-6-3, Vectors Below Minimum Altitude.

    • NOTE:
    • 1. Alternate missed approach procedures are published on the appropriate FAA Form 8260 or appropriate military form and require a detailed clearance when they are issued to the pilot.
    • 2. In the event of a missed approach involving a turn, unless otherwise cleared, the pilot will proceed to the missed approach point before starting that turn.
    • 3. Pilots must advise ATC when intending to apply cold temperature compensation and of the amount of compensation required. Pilots will not apply altitude compensation, unless authorized, when assigned an altitude if provided an initial heading to fly or radar vectors in lieu of published missed approach procedures. Consideration should be given to vectoring aircraft at or above the requested compensating altitude if possible.
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