May (Q3) 2024

PPT question. When it comes to projected % to target, is each NCEPT addition worth 1 full body? Or is each one worth 1 x training success rate? For example, A11 each NCEPT add is worth .809 controllers.
PPT question. When it comes to projected % to target, is each NCEPT addition worth 1 full body? Or is each one worth 1 x training success rate? For example, A11 each NCEPT add is worth .809 controllers.
You take 1 and divide it by the cpc target number. For the case of A11, each CPC is 1/24, or 4.16% towards the projected. Every trainee is equal to 1 cpc multiplied by the training success rate. So for every new trainee A11 gets, the projected goes up by (.0416*.809) = 3.37% until they either certify or washout.

The facility that I put paperwork in for is just above 90%. If they lose one in round one could they pick me up in round 2?
Yes. There are a lot of other factors though. Like where you rank, if your facility releases round 1, staffing levels, projected to target versus national average, etc

The facility that I put paperwork in for is just above 90%. If they lose one in round one could they pick me up in round 2?
No, the other response is wrong. The numbers are locked in before the panel and are not adjusted during the panel so if a facility is projected 90% at the start of the panel, they will not be picking anyone up in round 2.
Can you remove an ERR this close to NCEPT convening? I’d like to avoid a certain facility that I put in for. Is it too late?
You can. Send an email to your HR region, Shallenberger, Devine, and Pla. In “theory” you can remove paperwork all the way up until they convene the panel. Contact your NCEPT rep if you need more detailed instructions.
It's nice to see round one selections is only for facilities below national average. That way they can at least get up to PNA before everybody else below 90 can start taking. Seems like a decent way to move those from facilities above 85, to locations below 85. As opposed to recent panels they could potentially move from an 85 to 89 in round 1.
85.23%, you can look at the ERR demand sheet to see which facilities are below that threshold and how many they can take to get there.
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