
  1. J

    MMPI TIER 2 and 1st class airmen medical

    I am mmpi tier 2 waiting around on the government. I recently believe I realized my passion is flying. Though I still would strongly consider atc. Will being MMPI tier 2 have any affect on getting another 1st class medical. I have a PPL and 179 hours or so. Would I dare say pulling out of this...
  2. J

    MMPI Tier 2

    Hello, I was notified that I am MMPI tier 2 in mid June and that the process typically takes 12-18 months. Most of the summer I went back and forth clearing up medical items and I believe august 24th I was notified that my case had been forwarded to the tier 2 team. I was curious if anyone who...
  3. bomber996

    Tier-2 Failure Disqualification Overturned

    Three years after being disqualified for a Tier-II failure, HR has been notified by medical that my disqualification has been overturned. HR had me fill out another OF-306, Applicant Contact Form, and send an updated Resume. What should I expect next? Anyone ever been here? My original TOL was...
  4. P

    MMPI Tier 2

    After exchanging a few emails with my Med POC, she also informed me that I did not pass my MMPI, and I will be going through Tier 2. I have absolutely no idea how I didn't pass, I answered every single question with 100% honesty, I did not try to cheat the test, and I am not some psycho who is a...
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