I separated from the Agency in January of 2019 (government shutdown) from my level 7 Up/Down, but am now looking to get back in. My case is a complicated one as I never CPC'd however according to the most recent verbiage on the open bids, the requirement for reinstatement suggests certification...
This SOP outlines the procedures to be utilized when non-competitively reinstating and placing eligible former Certified Professional Controllers (CPC) directly into air traffic facilities.
So I ran into an unfortunate and unique situation, which is why I haven't been on here recently. Two months into my first tower my medical got suspended due to a previously undiagnosed heart issue. Not life threatening, but not FAA approved.
I was going to be terminated if I submitted my...
9/26/2022 EDIT: Newest SOP guts this program. Any information in this thread prior to this date is obsolete. New SOP is at CPC reinstatements or attached below.
4/18 EDIT: See my post further down for the policy memo. Also attached to this post now.
EDIT: So the ATO has its own policy on top of...
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