En Route 02/03/23 En Route Basics, 03/10/23 Projected En Route Academy


Trusted Contributor
ZJX Jacksonville Center
1. Start Date: 02/03/2023 (Class Number 171961)
2. Series & Option: 2152 – En Route
3. Duty Location: Oklahoma City, OK (Basics will be virtual from home location 02/03/23 – 03/02/23)
4. Projected in-person Academy dates: 03/10/23 – 06/01/23

Started this thread in case anyone wanted to join this class and needs access to the Discord, or doesn't use Discord and needs a place to talk to classmates
For those not in the Discord and want to join, join the Discord server, post in the bid you're in and say your class dates. You'll be added to the private class group by a mod shortly

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