So I received an email saying that I had been selected on a prior experience bid today. The problem is I already accepted a TOL from this past summer 2022 bid(Pool 1 military). The email states that it knows that I have accepted this position, but can opt to take the Prior experience bid that I applied for instead, and skip to where I am currently in the process which is just the EODS portion. I applied to this position "just because". I am a former Army controller and don't have a CTO and only a ATCS cert, so I did not expect to be picked up prior experience. I enjoyed controlling in the army however my experience was mostly tactical without much fixed base. The email states I have until this Friday to decide which position I want to continue the hiring process in. Should I take the prior experience and go straight to a facility? Or is it worth it to learn the FAA way in OKC and go through that whole process? Any insight is appreciated, Thanks.