Aircraft types


Active Member
POC Brackett Tower
Anybody have any material to study aircraft types?

I downloaded the 7360.1, but my eyes hurt just looking at that mess.
There are a lot if flashcard apps, and a lot if them have a ton of ATC study stuff that people have made. That's what I used at the academy at least as an OTS.

Took me from zero knowledge to just calling everyone November.
What my professor did for my aircraft rec class was show us 3 or 4 different pictures of the same aircraft and point out the unique parts of it that make it recognizable (landing gear, windows, exit doors, etc) and then on the tests he’d give us a completely different picture (not one that was originally shown) so we really had to know what to look for instead of just memorizing a picture. It was really effective. I’d recommend trying to do something similar to study.
Unless it's changed drastically over the years there's only like one or two aircraft rec questions on the basics exam and none in the academics after basics.
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