Any chance of an Enroute Overiew like the Terminal Overview


I ♥ pointSixtyFive
Anyone have enough insight to develop an en route overview like the Terminal MJ so kindly put together?
Along these lines, if anyone heading to the academy for enroute would like to keep a daily journal while at the academy, you can send it to MJ and have him post it anonymously.
Well I'm working on an Enroute CIL right now. If this doesn't happen before I end up going, I could probably manage doing that. Although, that could be the end of this year.
Well I'm working on an Enroute CIL right now. If this doesn't happen before I end up going, I could probably manage doing that. Although, that could be the end of this year.
I received my CIL on Aug 2, 2017 and still waiting...may I ask how long since you received yours?
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