H.R.5292 - Air Traffic Controller Hiring Improvement Act of 2016

$100 $300 $500? I have PayPal!

I can't figure out how to PM on this site, where is the damn PM button?

Keep your money bud, it will be 7/13, I promise! They need to get one last use out of their amazing bio test before 5292 passes.
$100 $300 $500? I have PayPal!

I can't figure out how to PM on this site, where is the damn PM button?

Keep your money bud, it will be 7/13, I promise! They need to get one last use out of their amazing bio test before 5292 passes.
I was think more of a gift card worth $20 but thanks for for the friendly withdraw... How do you know 7/13? And if it is 7/13 does that mean those in the second round of this prior experience bid will be picked up?
I over heard some VIP telling this to someone. I don't think this person would make it up with an exact date. I guess will have to wait and see. I'm glad for 5292!
My take on the proposed Bill:

1. Section 2106. Hiring of ATCers.

a. First priority in hiring SHALL go to experienced controllers (those with 52 weeks of ATC experience after receiving a certification/facility rating). This experience can be from an FAA facility, DoD facility, or Federal Contract Tower.

b. Second priority is then split into two pools and those referred from the two pools cannot exceed a 10% difference. In other words, the largest differential in hiring from these two pools would be 55%:45%. The pools are:
b.1. Pool 1 is CTI graduates, VRA, veterans with aviation experience but not necessarily ATC experience, and veterans preference eligibles.
b.2. Pool 2 is off the street.

c. Use of the biographical assessment is prohibited for experienced controllers and Pool 1 candidates. The FAA is permitted to use the biographical assessment for Pool 2 candidates.

d. Experienced controllers and those candidates within Pool 1 that were disqualified as a result of the biographical assessment used with Vacancy Announcement FAA–AMC–14–ALLSRCE–933537 (issued on February 10, 2014) SHALL be given another opportunity to apply for an ATC position. In addition, the FAA SHALL waive the maximum age limit if 1) they apply again before 31 Dec 2017 and 2) they met the maximum age limit when they previously applied.

e. Maximum Entry Age for Experienced Controllers. The maximum age limit would be raised from 31 years old to 35 years old. Note that this is only for experienced controllers. In other words, this would not apply to those in either Pool 1 or Pool 2.

2. Section 2304. Computation of Basic Annuity for Certain ATCers.

a. I believe OPM has not been granting ATC good time for second-level supervisors. This section tells OPM to give ATC good time for controllers serving as second-level supervisors. In addition, it is backdated to 12 Dec 2003.
It passed the house today, and the Senate has already stated it will be on the President's desk by the 15th. Grats to everyone affected by it.
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It passed the house today, and the Senate has already stated it will be on the President's desk by the 15th. Grats to everyone affected by it.

I'm glad that it passed the House and is on it's way up to eventually get signed. I was going to be teetering on the cut off when my separation date comes around. The rumor is that another bid will open up shortly after it is signed into law to accommodate the increased age. Any validity to this for those that might have some insight?
Our RVP sent out an email today saying a bid will be coming out this Monday July 18th with the updated hiring process in effect. Hope this is accurate.
Gilbert posted that the bid will be pushed back until late July / early August. Delay delay delay that's the FAA way.
It does sound like it will be exp/ots however.
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