Mid-Cycle Performance Assessment


I’m a developmental in LC at a lower level tower with aspirations to one day ERR to another facility. I was just given notification to complete my mid cycle assessment and when I went to inquire with my supervisor about the process, they gave minimal and vague guidance on how to proceed. How concerned should I be about adding things to my self assessment? Like how heavily would my mid cycle assessment be weighed if in one years time the opportunity for ERR arose? Also, say it is imperative to add items, what are some things I could utilize to include on there? (First thing that comes to mind is GC Cert in about half of allotted hours) I’m not knocking on my supervisor because I know they are busy, just asking the question to ensure I don’t screw myself down the road if it is important. Any information is appreciated!

If it is insignificant let me know that too!
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I feel like no one cares about the assessments or your resume. Your supe just submits it and you sign it. I just make sure nothing negative was put on there which there shouldnt unless your supervisors are assholes.

ERRing to another facility comes down to few important things that will increase your chances of getting picked up significantly imo:

1. Networking. E-mail/call the fac rep at the facility you want to go to. Try to visit it in person if you can. A face to the name helps you stand out from a bunch of random names on a list.
2. The closer level your facility is to that facility probably helps. But plenty of 4s and 5s have gone to 12s and been ranked higher than facilities that were 7s so who knows.
3. If your facility is in the same district/region it helps a bit with local familiarity.

But NCEPT is full of randomness so those things might not matter much at all.
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