Tips with the ATSA


Going to be taking the ATSA for the second time. Just wanted some tips for it. I really want to at least get Well-Qualified this time around so I can get a TOL. Last bid was the first time taking it and I got Qualified and did not receive a TOL. Any advice would be nice. I do have the test prep and practicing as much as I can.
On the module with the colliding dots, do not ignore the math. The most important thing in that module is obviously to not let the dots collide. However, you will get added points for getting the math questions correct. There is no penalty for wrong answers. You should have plenty of time between "busy" periods to do the math problems.

On the quick math portion where they flash numbers and you have to find the difference... If you get lost, just stop for a moment and reset. Better to miss one as you reset than to miss multiple because you're flustered.

When you get to the logic questions, read the question backwards. Find out what the question is actually asking before you read the information.

I'm forgetting what else is on it, it's been almost 5 years.
Don’t be afraid to use your hands. For the eyeball portion, if it helps to use your arms to indicate the direction do it. On the flashing math, assign a corner of the desk to the first number, the middle to the second, etc. and point there. Example: A = 2. Point at the left corner and whisper 2, etc. Then when the equation pops up point back at the corner. So if it’s 2A = ? point at the corner for “A” and say 2 then solve it. Worked for a couple of other people I’ve spoken to, as well. If you aren’t a kinetic person it might not be as effective.

You’ll look slightly like a crazy person but the MMPI people aren’t there 😉
for the differences section, solve as many as you can in the time limit. i practiced on the fastest speed on atcprep and it helped me really get used to the problem. practice this section and the one w variables on the fastest speed bc itll help you be more prepared. and difficulty where the answers are only 1-9. for the collision problem, the first time i took it i tried to solve for the smallest sum at first but it led to more collisions bc the collisions tend to happen closer to the edges of the screen vs more in the middle on atcprep where i had more time to think to delete 1 collision vs 2. second time i took it i deleted more collisions if it meant having a higher sum at the end but it should be better than getting collisions. i think i had like 6-7 collisions the first time and 3-4 the second. i got BQ the first time and still didnt get selected in 2018 i think bc there were more applicants, tons of ppl posted on here they got BQ too and not referred. good luck!
One thing is that no one knows how it’s scored. And the society can change year to year. So you just need to try to do your best. Having taken it once should be a big advantage. We have always told people not to worry about the math so much but since no one knows how it’s scored it’s really hard to say. Doing a lot of fast paced general brain games and going in with a clear mind is probably better then trying to beat the test.

You can practice the eyeball plane thing. That was really tricky for me when I took it. Assuming that’s still part of the test
One thing is that no one knows how it’s scored. And the society can change year to year. So you just need to try to do your best. Having taken it once should be a big advantage. We have always told people not to worry about the math so much but since no one knows how it’s scored it’s really hard to say. Doing a lot of fast paced general brain games and going in with a clear mind is probably better then trying to beat the test.

When I was at the academy in 2019 they had us "test out" the test they're hoping to replace the ATSA with both before and after basics. My class asked the people at CAMI about the ATSA, and specifically the colliding dots module. They said that there are added points for correctly solving the math, and no points taken off for wrong answers or not doing the math. Take that for what it is. Much like additional services, they're required workload permitting.

My opinion, don't ignore the math. Just don't let it distract you from your main job.
+1 to ATCPrep, No reason not to use a program that mirrors the test. +1 to reading logic questions backwards, just trust it. If you dont like testing, id maybe check out SAT reading prep if you wanted to be 100% prepped. +1 on resetting, some parts of that test are designed for you to fail.

I talked myself through the whole memory math portion, but i said that i sometimes talk to myself on the MMPI so my bases are covered.

P.S. if you get to a math question late solve for the last digit and send it.
+1 to ATCPrep, No reason not to use a program that mirrors the test. +1 to reading logic questions backwards, just trust it. If you dont like testing, id maybe check out SAT reading prep if you wanted to be 100% prepped. +1 on resetting, some parts of that test are designed for you to fail.

I talked myself through the whole memory math portion, but i said that i sometimes talk to myself on the MMPI so my bases are covered.

P.S. if you get to a math question late solve for the last digit and send it.
agreed. and I think thats the logic they're looking for because obviously nobody can solve 123456 x 234567

1920 x 56 =
a. 152,635
b. 107,520
c. 192,348
d. 181,680
pay attention to the last digit of each number (0x6), you know it has to end in 0 so that eliminates at least 50% of the answers
I was in a similar situation. Took the ATSA the first time, got Qualified and no TOL. Took it a second time and got Best Qualified and a TOL.

What I did was pretty simple. Downloaded ATC Prep and practiced everything a few times but really didn’t over do it. I also made it a point to not even worry about the math unless I had a moment. I do agree with the above advice about the math, you can usually guess the answer just by looking at the numbers in the problem. Many of the options are clearly wrong.

Can’t say for sure that doing that stuff made the difference, but that was my strategy. Also, don’t expect to walk out of the test feeling like you did better. I was convinced I did even worse and was absolutely surprised by the score.
When I was at the academy in 2019 they had us "test out" the test they're hoping to replace the ATSA with both before and after basics. My class asked the people at CAMI about the ATSA, and specifically the colliding dots module. They said that there are added points for correctly solving the math, and no points taken off for wrong answers or not doing the math. Take that for what it is. Much like additional services, they're required workload permitting.

My opinion, don't ignore the math. Just don't let it distract you from your main job.
The way I did the dot collision with math was to solve the easy ones that I could but if it was a stupid math problem I would just hit a random answer and make sure no collisions happened. I got BQ in the 2021 bid and currently waiting on confirmation that my medical clearance has been approved.
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