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    Provide current departure information, as appropriate, to departing aircraft.

    1. Departure information contained in the ATIS broadcast may be omitted if the pilot states the appropriate ATIS code.
    2. Issue departure information by including the following:
      1. Runway in use. (May be omitted if pilot states “have the numbers.”)
      2. Surface wind from direct readout dial, wind shear detection system, or automated weather observing system information display. (May be omitted if pilot states “have the numbers.”)
      3. Altimeter setting. (May be omitted if pilot states “have the numbers.”)
    3. Time, when requested.
    4. Issue the official ceiling and visibility, when available, to a departing aircraft before takeoff as follows:
      1. To a VFR aircraft when weather is below VFR conditions.
      2. To an IFR aircraft when weather is below VFR conditions or highest takeoff minima, whichever is greater.

      NOTE: Standard takeoff minimums are published in 14 CFR Section 91.175(f). Takeoff minima other than standard are prescribed for specific airports/runways and published in a tabular form supplement to the FAA instrument approach procedures charts and appropriate FAA Forms 8260.

    5. Issue the route for the aircraft/vehicle to follow on the movement area in concise and easy to understand terms. The taxi clearance must include the specific route to follow.
    6. USAF NOT APPLICABLE. An advisory to “check density altitude” when appropriate.
      • FAA Order JO 7210.3, Para 2-10-6, Broadcast Density Altitude Advisory.
    7. Issue braking action for the runway in use as received from pilots when braking action advisories are in effect.
    8. Runway Condition Codes. Furnish RwyCC, as received from the Airport Operator, to aircraft via the ATIS.
    9. For opposite direction departure operations, controllers may verbally issue the RwyCC, as identified in the FICON NOTAM, in reverse order. Controllers must not include reversed RwyCC on the ATIS broadcast.
    10. When the ATIS is unavailable, and when the runway length available for departure has been temporarily shortened, controllers must ensure that pilots receive the runway number combined with a shortened announcement for all departing aircraft.
      • EXAMPLE
      • “Runway Two-Seven shortened.”
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