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    1. Provide special handling, as required, to expedite flight inspection of NAVAIDs and RADAR by flight check aircraft.

      NOTE: Certain flight inspection maneuvers require operations in close proximity to the surface. These maneuvers can only be performed during daylight visual meteorological conditions. Preplanned automatic flight places the following limitations on the capability of the pilot to adhere to normal ATC clearances:

      1. Route of flight - orbital from 6 nautical miles to a maximum of 40 nautical miles from the facility depending on the type of inspection. During commissioning flight checks all SIDs, STARs, airways, DME fixes, and approaches must be flown.
      2. Altitude assignment - from 1,000 feet above the antenna site up to the minimum en route altitude (MEA).
    2. Avoid changes in the route or altitude from that filed by the pilot in the initial flight plan.
    3. Do not impose air traffic control delays in the flight except to preclude emergency situations.
    4. Do not change the previously assigned discrete beacon code of special radar accuracy flight check aircraft.
      • FAA Order JO 7210.3, Para 7-1-2, Special Radar Accuracy Checks.
      • FAA Order JO 7210.3, Para 10-5-4, ASR Performance Checks.
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