Start assistance as soon as enough information has been obtained upon which to act. Information requirements will
vary, depending on the existing situation. Minimum required information for inflight emergencies is:
NOTE: In the event of an ELT signal see para 10-2-10, Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) Signals.
Aircraft identification and type.
Nature of the emergency.
Pilot's desires.
After initiating action, obtain the following items or any other pertinent information from the pilot or aircraft
operator, as necessary:
1. Emergency Autoland systems may not provide all of the required information for emergencies. Use the
information provided to develop an appropriate course of action to assist the aircraft.
2. If an emergency has been declared by an Emergency Autoland system, transmissions to the aircraft may go
3. Normally, do not request this information from military fighter-type aircraft that are at low altitudes
(for example, on approach, immediately after departure, on a low level route). However, request the position
of an aircraft that is not visually sighted or displayed on radar if the location is not given by the pilot.
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