When an aircraft is considered to be in emergency status that may require SAR procedures, or an IFR aircraft is overdue, the terminal facility must alert the appropriate ARTCC and forward the following information, as available:
- Flight plan, including color of aircraft, if known.
- Time of last transmission received, by whom, and frequency used.
- Last position report and how determined.
- Aircraft beacon code.
- Number of persons on board.
- Fuel status.
- Facility working aircraft and frequency.
- Last known position, how determined, time, estimated present position, and maximum range of flight of the aircraft based on remaining fuel and airspeed.
- Position of other aircraft near aircraft's route of flight, when requested.
- Whether or not an ELT signal has been heard or reported in the vicinity of the last known position.
- Other pertinent information.
NOTE: FSSs serve as the central points for collecting and disseminating information on an overdue or missing aircraft which is not on an IFR flight plan. Non-FSS ATC facilities that receive telephone calls or other inquiries regarding these flights must refer these calls and inquiries to the appropriate FSS.