Vaccine to override Gating Criteria


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Not trying to stir up the hornet's nest (but at the same time, burn baby burn), but another area at my facility just received an update email. To summarize, it stated that new guidance would be coming down saying that people who have received their full vaccine regiments would be eligible to skip the COVID Gating Criteria and come back off of EA after 14 days. Considering my facility just creeped back into the red, this could be great news. Has anyone else heard this rumor or have any more concrete information?
Haven’t heard anything official yet, but if the rumors are true, this is excellent news. The damn map was a joke from day 1. Hit me with that vaccine baby!!
In accordance with CDC guidance and in consultation with Aerospace Medicine, the Parties at the national level have collaboratively determined that employees currently on excused absence, other than those presently assigned and working an operational schedule, that meet the definition of fully vaccinated are safe to return to duty and are no longer subject to the OJT gating criteria or OJT resumption plan. This includes fully vaccinated employees categorized as high-risk that are on excused absence due to underlying medical conditions.

Fully vaccinated is defined as:

Asymptomatic (free from COVID symptoms) for 14 days or more from receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer or Moderna) or receipt of a single dose vaccine (Johnson & Johnson).

The Parties at the local level must ensure all employees on excused absence, other than those presently assigned and working an operational schedule, are made aware of the expectation to notify their manager and return to duty once they meet the definition of fully vaccinated if not recalled sooner. The Parties at the local level shall work collaboratively to schedule the employees return to duty and ensure the individuals resume training if training is required.

Additionally, the Agency continues to identify opportunities for local partners to administer the vaccine for FAA employees. The Parties at the local level must identify and develop a list of volunteers that desire the vaccine should the opportunity be made available. This shall include all volunteers for the facility and not just operational employees.

Employees are not required to report receipt of vaccination to the Regional Flight Surgeon; however, they are expected to report the information to their manager for scheduling and planning purposes. Non-operational employees should also report receipt of vaccination to their manager. Having this information readily available allows for more informed decision making at all levels as we continue to protect the safety of the employees while meeting the operational demands.
From the shoot the breeze thread. This was in an email.
Maybe those that have not gotten vaccinated can go on EA? Or those on EA that do not want a vaccine, do they just keep chillin at home?
I’ve heard of two possibilities being explored:

-Those on EA vaccinated being recalled 14 days after the second dose
-Those on EA being recalled regardless of vaccination status
I’ve heard of two possibilities being explored:

-Those on EA vaccinated being recalled 14 days after the second dose
-Those on EA being recalled regardless of vaccination status
I honestly don’t see us being too far off from the second option tbh. Without trying to sound crass, COVID is old news. Hospitalizations and death rates have plummeted. Even the recent plateau/mini spike isn’t a huge concern as vaccination rates are far outpacing it. Within the next week or two, the shot will be available to virtually anyone who wants it. California (which was the first state to lock down) just announced they’re fully reopening in June. Coronavirus is virtually over, and the world is getting back to normal. The FAA will need to follow suit.
I honestly don’t see us being too far off from the second option tbh. Without trying to sound crass, COVID is old news. Hospitalizations and death rates have plummeted. Even the recent plateau/mini spike isn’t a huge concern as vaccination rates are far outpacing it. Within the next week or two, the shot will be available to virtually anyone who wants it. California (which was the first state to lock down) just announced they’re fully reopening in June. Coronavirus is virtually over, and the world is getting back to normal. The FAA will need to follow suit.
Dude the faa has internal websites that only work on internet explorer
I honestly don’t see us being too far off from the second option tbh. Without trying to sound crass, COVID is old news. Hospitalizations and death rates have plummeted. Even the recent plateau/mini spike isn’t a huge concern as vaccination rates are far outpacing it. Within the next week or two, the shot will be available to virtually anyone who wants it. California (which was the first state to lock down) just announced they’re fully reopening in June. Coronavirus is virtually over, and the world is getting back to normal. The FAA will need to follow suit.
Agreed, recall of EA is fast approaching regardless of vaccination status as it is the next logical move towards (or attempting) to increase staffing in facilities.
It's not official until Stinger puts his big, hard, throbbing seal of approval on it. He's the only source I trust
Can't confirm it, but it makes sense.
I know of a district that just requested the names of the people vaccinated and when their final vaccination was.
Received a phone call from FACREP, email from ATM, and a forwarded email from the region (Great Lakes) stating that those fully vaccinated (14 days after the final dose with no symptoms) are able to bypass the gating criteria and return to the facility in accordance with the local OJT resumption plans.

Trainees scrambling to find j and j appointments.
Not going to find any since the last major batch was contaminated. Everyone seems to want that one too since its one and done
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