
  1. C

    Copy of CIL, specifically the medical forms you fill out.

    Hey everyone. I have received a TOL and I am waiting for my EODS to be set up. I got an email last month saying that my HR specialist has left and I will be appointed a new HR representative. No word on this yet. I was just curious if anyone has a copy of their paperwork they were sent for...
  2. M

    Medical Question

    I had Lasik almost 2 years ago, I don’t believe I’ve been to the eye doctor in about a year. Vision still seems to be perfect, last time I was in he told me I was reading the 20/15 line. Currently waiting for a CIL and wanted to know if I need to bring any documents from my eye surgery to the...
  3. W

    Contacting Flight Surgeon

    I am only waiting on my medical to be approved before I get my FOL. The medical department tells me I do not need any further evaluation on the MMPI - which is a huge relief. Now I have a specific time sensitive problem coming up. I am a teacher right now and my contract due date is coming at...
  4. W

    Can anyone share the timeline between getting the TOL up to getting the FOL?

    My timeline so far: July, 2018 - Applied on as an OTS candidate. November, 2018 - Took AT-SA and received referred status February 26, 2019 - Received TOL February 28, 2019 - Received CIL March 11 - submitted fingerprints and filled in e-qip info for my background check. March 12 -...
  5. M

    AUGUST 2016 BID

    Is there anyone here with a CIL from the August 2016 OTS bid still waiting?
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