
  1. F

    CPC-IT applying for Supervisor Position

    So many questions on this . Let’s say the cpc-it was from a lvl 6 now at lvl 10 . Lvl 6 70k, lvl 10 110k as cpc. The cpc-it is making 90k from the 50% on the go . Can the cpc-it apply for a supervisor job at a lvl 6 ? If she could and gets the job . Is her starting sup pay at the minimum of...
  2. L

    ERR while CPC-IT?

    I’m a CPC-IT who is now in the NEST. I have 2 low-level CTO’s and received no facilities in my region. I’m desperate to stay for family reasons, but am terrified my hardship won’t be approved. Management and NATCA tried to get me the local Level 6 on the NEST list but couldn’t. If I am forced to...
  3. breakaway2000

    CPC Transfer Pay Question

    Quick question for anyone that can answer it. Per the Slate book for CPC transfers... (1) One-half (1/2) of the increase is paid upon initial transfer to the new facility; the other one-half (1/2) is paid when fully certified in the new facility. Is this a straight dollar amount raise ala you...
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