
  1. K

    ERR - Correspondence Courses

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to put together my first ERR package and need to get as many points as possible. I see the section about the courses worth 2 points and am wondering can I take any course on elms or is it only certain ones? Also, I think I should have veterans preference but it's not...
  2. MJ

    ERR Package

    ERR Package - All the files you need to submit an ERR.
  3. MJ

    ERR Package 10

    This file contains the documents you need to submit an ERR package. Just follow the instructions, and fill in the blanks. FAA HR Regional Directory For swaps, all you need is a letter to your ATM. Template letter
  4. MJ

    NCEPT Facility Priority and Vacancy list

  5. pointSixtyFive

    NATCA ERR MOU/SOP 25May2017

    ERR National Release Policy MOU & SOP. See more info link for the Q&A.
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