2025 Federal Pay Raise

2024 consumer inflation alone (not even counting the last 3-4 years) is at 3.2%. This is a literal pay cut. All while virtually every other job in the aviation industry have gotten massive double digit raises. Trainees are quitting the agency left and right and even CPCs are moving on to other careers now. This is not sustainable.

Donald trump. Known friend of federal employees.
Taking away all the “big scary orange man” hyperbole, if you made $100,000 in 2019, that would be the equivalent of $124,960 today. I don’t think any administration that ushers in an effective 25% pay cut is anyone’s friend. Anyone who votes for more of the last 4 years is a fucking idiot. We’ll be living like fast food workers by 2028.
Most labor friendly president evvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeer. 🤡

People like you expecting him to negotiate when no contract is open for negotiation. Good one. Gloss over every time a republican president has fucked unions. Reagan, Bush, Trump.

Things Biden did during his presidency for workers:
- Banned noncompete clauses.
- Protected over 350,000 union workers' pension after it went belly up through no fault of the workers. (Central States Pension Fund)
- Paid sick days and other benefits for railworkers.

Just a few from a quick google search. What have Republicans done that benefited unions? You dont care though, if it doesn't benefit you it doesnt matter. Typical Trumper.
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People like you expecting him to negotiate when no contract is open for negotiation. Good one. Gloss over every time a republican president has fucked unions. Reagan, Bush, Trump.

Things Biden did during his presidency for workers:
- Banned noncompete clauses.
- Protected over 350,000 union workers' pension after it went belly up through no fault of the workers. (Central States Pension Fund)
- Paid sick days and other benefits for railworkers.

Just a few from a quick google search. What have Republicans done that benefited unions? You dont care though, if it doesn't benefit you it doesnt matter. Typical Trumper.
Lol you have no idea my political ideology.

Our union president used those words. Which are insane. Obama did FAR more than Biden has even thought about. And no one thinks of Obama as the most labor friendly president. Biden hasn't done SHIT for us. Mayor Pete hadn't done SHIT for us. If you believe this administration has used any political capital on us, I have ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.
Lol you have no idea my political ideology.

Our union president used those words. Which are insane. Obama did FAR more than Biden has even thought about. And no one thinks of Obama as the most labor friendly president. Biden hasn't done SHIT for us. Mayor Pete hadn't done SHIT for us. If you believe this administration has used any political capital on us, I have ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.

How does Biden negotiate a closed contract legally? Things just dont magically happen.

Dont bother replying because I wont see it.

Taking away all the “big scary orange man” hyperbole, if you made $100,000 in 2019, that would be the equivalent of $124,960 today. I don’t think any administration that ushers in an effective 25% pay cut is anyone’s friend. Anyone who votes for more of the last 4 years is a fucking idiot. We’ll be living like fast food workers by 2028.

A controller making $100,000 on January 1, 2019 makes more than your inflation number. They would be making $126,961 NOT including all the locality increases.

By that logic, it seems the government has done a good job keeping our pay moving with inflation but most of you expect we should be making a million a year for some reason.
"Although the 1990 Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act (FEPCA) technically authorizes the funding needed to reduce the federal versus non-federal wage gap down to 5%, no president has fully adopted FEPCA since 1994. Instead, for the last 30 years, presidents have chosen to deviate from FEPCA and issue an “alternative pay plan.” The only catch is that the president must inform Congress of those intentions by Aug. 31, as Biden did with his pay plan on Friday."

This portion is what interests me most, the president is able to bridge our pay disparity every year (within 5%). I'm curious which candidate would be more likely to do that
"Although the 1990 Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act (FEPCA) technically authorizes the funding needed to reduce the federal versus non-federal wage gap down to 5%, no president has fully adopted FEPCA since 1994. Instead, for the last 30 years, presidents have chosen to deviate from FEPCA and issue an “alternative pay plan.” The only catch is that the president must inform Congress of those intentions by Aug. 31, as Biden did with his pay plan on Friday."

This portion is what interests me most, the president is able to bridge our pay disparity every year (within 5%). I'm curious which candidate would be more likely to do that
Neither candidate
"Although the 1990 Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act (FEPCA) technically authorizes the funding needed to reduce the federal versus non-federal wage gap down to 5%, no president has fully adopted FEPCA since 1994. Instead, for the last 30 years, presidents have chosen to deviate from FEPCA and issue an “alternative pay plan.” The only catch is that the president must inform Congress of those intentions by Aug. 31, as Biden did with his pay plan on Friday."

This portion is what interests me most, the president is able to bridge our pay disparity every year (within 5%). I'm curious which candidate would be more likely to do that
I'll give you a hint: neither.
People like you expecting him to negotiate when no contract is open for negotiation. Good one. Gloss over every time a republican president has fucked unions. Reagan, Bush, Trump.

Things Biden did during his presidency for workers:
- Banned noncompete clauses.
- Protected over 350,000 union workers' pension after it went belly up through no fault of the workers. (Central States Pension Fund)
- Paid sick days and other benefits for railworkers.

Just a few from a quick google search. What have Republicans done that benefited unions? You dont care though, if it doesn't benefit you it doesnt matter. Typical Trumper.
Correct, country first. I can and will be fine with our pay. (2019 - $109k, to 2024 - $140k)

I'm not fine with open borders, two new wars, a botched exit from the Cheney KBR/Halliburton Afghanistan war, and a bumbling idiot replaced by a bumbling and hyena style laughing idiot. Oh by the way, what democratic process allowed her to be elected by the people to be the candidate?

A controller making $100,000 on January 1, 2019 makes more than your inflation number. They would be making $126,961 NOT including all the locality increases.

By that logic, it seems the government has done a good job keeping our pay moving with inflation but most of you expect we should be making a million a year for some reason.
What the fuck are you even talking about? No controller making $100K in 2019 is making anywhere near the $126K needed for inflation offset today unless they transferred facilities. And even in those rare cases, their money is not going as far as it was under the last administration. Do you even understand how inflation and math works?

A controller making $100,000 on January 1, 2019 makes more than your inflation number. They would be making $126,961 NOT including all the locality increases.

By that logic, it seems the government has done a good job keeping our pay moving with inflation but most of you expect we should be making a million a year for some reason.
I think you're including the 1.6% raises in your math which would be inaccurate. It's closer to 115k
What the fuck are you even talking about? No controller making $100K in 2019 is making anywhere near the $126K needed for inflation offset today unless they transferred facilities. And even in those rare cases, their money is not going as far as it was under the last administration. Do you even understand how inflation and math works?
If you add all the January raises starting with 2020 the number is closer to 115k but he probably added the 1.6% raises too which shouldn't be added in
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