4th quarter 2017

  • Thread starter Thread starter MJ
  • Start date Start date
Oh shit, it's already begun!!!! Q3 isn't even over yet......a good bet is to add three months, as its quarterly. Unless they decide to start meeting every two months, which is being discussed.
Ready to see if they get the actual projected numbers correct for this panel

Yea it should be interesting with the updated pass rates. Should help some of the 9-and-belows get more bodies. Although I'm sure there will be a handful that now go over 100% projected that are currently below it.
Yea it should be interesting with the updated pass rates. Should help some of the 9-and-belows get more bodies. Although I'm sure there will be a handful that now go over 100% projected that are currently below it.
Should make us go up pretty well
Posted somewhere buried in the 1000 post 3rd quarter thread:
I was told by my RVP they ran the numbers for the new success rates already and the natl avg jumped 4-5 points at the time. So certain projected gains will be offset by a new goal line.
Posted somewhere buried in the 1000 post 3rd quarter thread:
I was told by my RVP they ran the numbers for the new success rates already and the natl avg jumped 4-5 points at the time. So certain projected gains will be offset by a new goal line.
As in like 93-94%? Screw everyone who didn't already get picked up I guess. Especially if your success rate is lower
I'm curious how this is gonna work out for the higher level facilities with higher wash out rates and longer training times.
To post two extremes, I90 vs A80. I90's training percentage will increase by ~30% and be allowed to select fewer people. A80's will decrease by ~30%, they'll be able to select a ton of people and their staffing % will look more dire then C90 by a decent margin.
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