Missing Minutes CIC pay


Doing the math. Controller A gets on CIC at 7:00am until Controller B relieves him at 8:00am until Controller A relieves him at 9:00am and back and forth they go.
The ARTS shows A 07:00-0759, B 08:00-08:59, A 09:00-09:59, etc..
Concern is that the first or the last minute,depending on how you count, doesn't roll over. A gets off at 8:00, B gets on at 8:00 but because the software doesn't allow duplicate times it is required to be a different time thus, that in a 24 hour scenario 24 mins are missing from the total CIC time.

Preliminarily, the data on the ARTS matches what is reported on the LES, confirming, at least initially that the "missing minutes" do not change between ARTS and payroll.

What am I missing?
Have you checked the log for total time? Without looking at ours, given that they don't calculate in seconds. 7:00-7:59 is a total of 60 individual minutes. 00, 01, 02, etc.
There are missing minutes, please read carefully. The first minute of each hour does not get counted. 60 mins=59 mins every hour. It's a minor issue but $500,000 a year is "saved "with the missing minutes.
There are missing minutes, please read carefully. The first minute of each hour does not get counted. 60 mins=59 mins every hour. It's a minor issue but $500,000 a year is "saved "with the missing minutes.
That's not how it works. A log can't have an end and start time at the same time. The position is occupied until it's closed or the next person takes it. If you're on at 8, then Jim signs in at 9, the log shows you "off" at 8:59 and Jim on at 9, But you are "on" until Jim takes over at 9. Your thinking is synonymous to closing the position at 8:59, then Jim opening at 9.
800 to 801 is one minute. 801 to 802 is an additional minute.
If you work cic from 800 to 801, you'll get one minute and the second person starts at 801.
If the next person signs on at 02... You get paid for 2 minutes... 800 and 801. Same exact law applies at the end of the hour... There are no missing minutes. You are getting things confused.
There are missing minutes, please read carefully. The first minute of each hour does not get counted. 60 mins=59 mins every hour. It's a minor issue but $500,000 a year is "saved "with the missing minutes.
The program does not take seconds into account. Every minute is an integer.
7:00-7:59 = 60 minutes bro.
1 - 7:00
2 - 7:01
3 - 7:02
4 - 7:03
5 - 7:04
6 - 7:05
7 - 7:06
8 - 7:07
9 - 7:08
10 - 7:09
11 - 7:10
12 - 7:11
13 - 7:12
14 - 7:13
15 - 7:14
16 - 7:15
17 - 7:16
18 - 7:17
19 - 7:18
20 - 7:19
21 - 7:20
22 - 7:21
23 - 7:22
24 - 7:23
25 - 7:24
26 - 7:25
27 - 7:26
28 - 7:27
29 - 7:28
30 - 7:29
31 - 7:30
32 - 7:31
33 - 7:32
34 - 7:33
35 - 7:34
36 - 7:35
37 - 7:36
38 - 7:37
39 - 7:38
40 - 7:39
41 - 7:40
42 - 7:41
43 - 7:42
44 - 7:43
45 - 7:44
46 - 7:45
47 - 7:46
48 - 7:47
49 - 7:48
50 - 7:49
51 - 7:50
52 - 7:51
53 - 7:52
54 - 7:53
55 - 7:54
56 - 7:55
57 - 7:56
58 - 7:57
59 - 7:58
60 - 7:59
Dude I'm not sure why reading seems to be such a challenge for you?

7:00 ( doesn't get counted) ignored by system, check for yourself)
59 minutes.
All I know is Facility X is open for 16.5 hours every day, and the total amount of CIC total is inconsistent and based on the number of CIC changes ( as reported by ARTS, and matches against an LES) Thus, 5 different Log changes and CIC total is reduced by that number of minutes, 11 log changes and it is reduced by 11 minutes. Look at the time on position or position report, which ever one goes by positions not individuals, it will be off the exact number of minutes as to the number of swaps.
lol alright first day back at work. Shockingly he is right, without being able to dig into the code for the software, I can't diagnose the actual reason. Logically, there is no issue with a 7:00-7:59 then 8:00-8:59 on the Dash10. I believe it's how the TOP report interprets and calculates its data from the Dash10. Your earning and leave statement takes the data directly from the TOP report. This is basically going to be like a class action lawsuit, a ton of overall money and each person will be awarded a few bucks.
Assuming 3 CIC hits a day, roughly translates out to 10 total hours of missed CIC time a year. I don't know if any of your ATM's harp about the time on position reports, but this also effects every other position's TOP as well.

You just randomly figured this out or did someone at your facility bring it up?
i checked my logs... the TOP and the Position report correlate to what viker has been saying, except I am certifying the log and the on cruart and the time seems to add a minute... aka JC worked 27 minutes of CIC today according to TOP and Position report log... but certifying said 28 minutes.
WB psoition report shows 5:57 and certify the log shows 5:58. MYTH BUSTED.
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