Short-term house rental?


Legendary Member
Any grown ass adults (CPC-ITs) been to RTF/TSEW and rented a short-term apartment, i.e. not an "FAA-approved housing provider?" I'm bringing my wife and dog out with me for RTF/TSEW, going to be out there for 2 months so I want to see if I can do a long-term AirBnB or some shit vs staying at the FAA revolving-door cum hostels.

Can anyone shed light on how this was accomplished? Havent gotten any good answers locally. What are the reimbursement policies now that they make you use this dumb ass gubmint credit card?
Any grown ass adults (CPC-ITs) been to RTF/TSEW and rented a short-term apartment, i.e. not an "FAA-approved housing provider?" I'm bringing my wife and dog out with me for RTF/TSEW, going to be out there for 2 months so I want to see if I can do a long-term AirBnB or some shit vs staying at the FAA revolving-door cum hostels.

Can anyone shed light on how this was accomplished? Havent gotten any good answers locally. What are the reimbursement policies now that they make you use this dumb ass gubmint credit card?
You don't have to get the GovCC if you travel less than twice in a 12 month period, its in the CBA Article 89 Section 1. Once in a 12 month period "upon request" you may be issued one.

I learned from the military and DTS to avoid that thing.
Does that go for any self-sourced house rental? Any chance you have the FAA Travel Policy on here?
It sounds unlikely just reading the criteria since it sounds like the account needs to be set up ahead of time.

Contact Student Travel Office at (405) 954-9453 in the morning. They would give you the right answer.
Does that go for any self-sourced house rental? Any chance you have the FAA Travel Policy on here?
Yeah I believe so. Ive never been able to find a current copy of it, I just know the private housing options were stopped back in 2018.
Make sure you can watch Major League wherever you go out there. I hear Cowboys is a good time
Whatcha know bout that


Yeah I believe so. Ive never been able to find a current copy of it, I just know the private housing options were stopped back in 2018.
Fuckin WACK. Thanks man.

Can’t wait to train you in EWR.
Joke's on you, you dont have staffing to train
Yo Phillyman2633 you know I got you covered Boi I'll section off part of my living room with some crusty sheets and your rent will be doing the dishes and a fifth of the admiral, weekly.

Bathroom services limited to the back yard you pita slamming fuck
I was looking in the FAATP earlier, I have to do more digging but there was one paragraph under the long-term lodging section that said that if you wanted to deviate from a commercial lodging provider, all you need to do is submit a request along with your travel i dont know who approves that, if it's local or by someone in OKC but seems to me like it's possible to get an AirBnB or other self-sourced rental property that isnt on the MMAC list
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