As used in this order, the abbreviations listed below have the following meanings indicated. (See TBL 1-2-1.)
Abbreviation | Meaning |
AAR | Adapted arrival route |
AAR | Airport acceptance rate |
AC | Advisory Circular |
ACC | Area Control Center |
ACE-IDS | ASOS Controller Equipment- Information Display System |
ACL | Aircraft list |
ACLS | Automatic Carrier Landing System |
ADAR | Adapted departure arrival route |
ADC | Aerospace Defense Command |
ADIZ | Air Defense Identification Zone (to be pronounced “AY DIZ”) |
ADR | Adapted departure route |
ADS | Automatic Dependent Surveillance |
ADS-B | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast |
ADS-C | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract |
AFP | Airspace flow program |
AERT | Automation Embedded Route Text |
AFP | Airspace Flow Program |
AIDC | ATS Interfacility Data Communications |
AIM | Aeronautical Information Manual |
AIRMET | Airmen's meteorological information |
ALDARS | Automated Lightning Detection and Reporting System |
ALERFA | Alert phase code (Alerting Service) |
ALNOT | Alert notice |
ALS | Approach Light System |
ALTRV | Altitude reservation |
AM | Ambiguity- A disparity greater than a locally adapted distance exists between the position declared for a target by MEARTS and another facility's computer declared position during interfacility handoff |
AMASS | Airport Movement Area Safety System |
AMB | Ambiguity- A disparity greater than a locally adapted distance exists between the position declared for a target by MEARTS and another facility's computer declared position during interfacility handoff |
AMVER | Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System |
ANG | Air National Guard |
APR | ATC preferred route |
APREQ | Approval Request |
ARAC | Army Radar Approach Control Facility (US Army) |
ARINC | Aeronautical Radio Incorporated |
ARIP | Air refueling initial point |
ARSR | Air route surveillance radar |
ARTCC | Air Route Traffic Control Center |
ASD | Aircraft Situation Display |
ASDE | Airport Surface Detection Equipment |
ASDE-X | Airport Surface Detection Equipment System - Model X |
ASF | Airport Stream Filters |
ASOS | Automated Surface Observing System |
ASR | Airport surveillance radar |
ATC | Air traffic control |
ATCAA | ATC assigned airspace |
ATCSCC | David J. Hurley Air Traffic Control System Command Center |
ATD | Along-Track Distance |
ATIS | Automatic Terminal Information Service |
ATO | Air Traffic Organization |
ATO COO | Air Traffic Organization Chief Operating Officer |
ATOP | Advanced Technologies and Oceanic Procedures |
ATS | Air Traffic Service |
AWOS | Automated Weather Observing System |
BASE | Cloud base |
CA | Conflict Alert |
CARCAH | Chief, Aerial Reconnaissance Coordination, All Hurricanes |
CARF | Central Altitude Reservation Function |
CAT | Clear air turbulence |
CDT | Controlled departure time |
CEP | Central East Pacific |
CERAP | Combined Center/RAPCON |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CFR | Call for Release |
CIC | Controller-in-Charge |
CNS | Continuous |
CPDLC | Controller Pilot Data Link Communications |
CPME | Calibration Performance Monitor Equipment |
CTA | Control Area |
CTRD | Certified Tower Radar Display |
CVFP | Charted Visual Flight Procedure |
CWA | Center Weather Advisory |
DETRESFA | Distress Phase code (Alerting Service) |
DH | Decision height |
DL | Departure List |
DME | Distance measuring equipment compatible with TACAN |
DOE | Department of Energy |
DP | Instrument Departure Procedure |
DR | Dead reckoning |
DRT | Diversion recovery tool |
DSR | Display System Replacement |
DTAS | Digital Terminal Automation Systems |
DTM | Digital Terrain Map |
DVFR | Defense Visual Flight Rules |
DVRSN | Diversion |
EA | Electronic Attack |
EAS | En Route Automation System |
EDCT | Expect Departure Clearance Time |
EDST | En Route Decision Support Tool |
EFC | Expect further clearance |
EFVS | Enhanced Flight Vision System |
ELDB | Enhanced Limited Data Block |
ELP | Emergency Landing Pattern |
ELT | Emergency locator transmitter |
EoR | Established on RNP |
EOS | End Service |
EOVM | Emergency obstruction video map |
ERAM | En Route Automation Modernization |
ERIDS | En Route Information Display System |
ERT | Embedded route text |
ETA | Estimated time of arrival |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FAA Order | FAA Order |
FANS | Future Air Navigation System |
FDIO | Flight Data Input/Output |
FDP | Flight data processing |
FICON | Field Condition |
FIR | Flight Information Region |
FL | Flight level |
FLIP | Flight Information Publication |
FLY | Fly or flying |
FMS | Flight Management System |
FMSP | Flight Management System Procedure |
FSM | Flight Schedule Monitor |
FSS | Flight Service Station |
GCA | Ground controlled approach |
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite System |
GPD | Graphics Plan Display |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GS | Ground stop |
HF/RO | High Frequency/Radio Operator |
HIRL | High intensity runway lights |
IAFDOF | Inappropriate Altitude for Direction of Flight |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
IDENT | Aircraft identification |
IDS | Information Display System |
IFR | Instrument flight rules |
IFSS | International Flight Service Station |
ILS | Instrument Landing System |
INCERFA | Uncertainty Phase code (Alerting Service) |
INREQ | Information request |
INS | Inertial Navigation System |
IR | IFR military training route |
IRU | Inertial Reference Unit |
ISR | Increased Separation Required |
ITWS | Integrated Terminal Weather System |
JATO | Jet assisted takeoff |
LAHSO | Land and Hold Short Operations |
LOA | Letter of Agreement |
LLWAS | Low Level Wind Shear Alert System |
LLWAS NE | Low Level Wind Shear Alert System Network Expansion |
LLWAS-RS | Low Level Wind Shear Alert System Relocation/Sustainment |
LLWS | Low Level Wind Shear |
L/MF | Low/medium frequency |
LORAN | Long Range Navigation System |
Mach | Mach number |
MALS | Medium Intensity Approach Light System |
MALSR | Medium Approach Light System with runway alignment indicator lights |
MAP | Missed approach point |
MARSA | Military authority assumes responsibility for separation of aircraft |
MCA | Minimum crossing altitude |
MCI | Mode C Intruder |
MDA | Minimum descent altitude |
MDM | Main display monitor |
MEA | Minimum en route (IFR) altitude |
MEARTS | Micro En Route Automated Radar Tracking System |
METAR | Aviation Routine Weather Report |
MIA | Minimum IFR altitude |
MIAWS | Medium Intensity Airport Weather System |
MIRL | Medium intensity runway lights |
MNPS | Minimum Navigation Performance Specification |
MNT | Mach Number Technique |
MOA | Military operations area |
MOCA | Minimum obstruction clearance altitude |
MRA | Minimum reception altitude |
MSAW | Minimum Safe Altitude Warning |
MSL | Mean sea level |
MTI | Moving target indicator |
MTR | Military training route |
MVA | Minimum vectoring altitude |
NADIN | National Airspace Data Interchange Network |
NAR | National Automation Request |
NAS | National Airspace System |
NAT | ICAO North Atlantic Region |
NAT HLA | North Atlantic High Level Airspace |
NBCAP | National Beacon Code Allocation Plan |
NDB | Nondirectional radio beacon |
NHOP | National Hurricane Operations Plan |
NM | Nautical mile |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOPAC | North Pacific |
NORAD | North American Aerospace Defense Command |
NOS | National Ocean Service |
NOTAM | Notice to Air Missions |
NOWGT | No weight. The weight class or wake category has not been determined |
NRP | North American Route Program |
NRR | Nonrestrictive Route |
NRS | Navigation Reference System |
NTZ | No transgression zone |
NWS | National Weather Service |
NWSOP | National Winter Storm Operations Plan |
ODALS | Omnidirectional Approach Lighting System |
ODP | Obstacle Departure Procedure |
OID | Operator Interface Device |
OS | Operations Supervisor |
OTR | Oceanic transition route |
PAPI | Precision Approach Path Indicators |
PAR | Precision approach radar |
PBCT | Proposed boundary crossing time |
P/CG | Pilot/Controller Glossary |
PDC | Pre-Departure Clearance |
PIREP | Pilot Weather Report |
PPI | Plan position indicator |
PTP | Point-to-point |
PVD | Plan view display |
RA | Radar Associate |
RAIL | Runway alignment indicator lights |
RAPCON | Radar Approach Control Facility (USAF, USN, and USMC) |
RATCF | Radar Air Traffic Control Facility (USN and USMC) |
RBS | Radar bomb scoring |
RCC | Rescue Coordination Center |
RCLS | Runway Centerline System |
RCR | Runway condition reading |
RE | Recent (used to qualify weather phenomena such as rain, e.g. recent rain = RERA) |
REIL | Runway end identifier lights |
RF | Radius-to-Fix |
RNAV | Area navigation |
RNP | Required Navigation Performance |
RTQC | Real-Time Quality Control |
RVR | Runway visual range |
RVSM | Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum |
RwyCC | Runway Condition Codes |
RwyCR | Runway Condition Report |
SAA | Special Activity Airspace |
SAR | Search and rescue |
SATCOM | Satellite Communication |
SDP | Surveillance Data Processing |
SELCAL | Selective Calling System |
SFA | Single frequency approach |
SFO | Simulated flameout |
SID | Standard Instrument Departure |
SIGMET | Significant meteorological information |
SPA | Special Posting Area |
SPECI | Nonroutine (Special) Aviation Weather Report |
STAR | Standard terminal arrival |
STARS | Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System |
STMC | Supervisory Traffic Management Coordinator |
STMCIC | Supervisory Traffic Management Coordinator-in-charge |
STOL | Short takeoff and landing |
SURPIC | Surface Picture |
SVFR | Special Visual Flight Rules |
TAA | Terminal arrival area |
TAS | Terminal Automation Systems |
TACAN | TACAN UHF navigational aid (omnidirectional course and distance information) |
TAWS | Terrain Awareness Warning System |
TCAS | Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System |
TCDD | Tower cab digital display |
TDLS | Terminal Data Link System |
TDW | Tower display workstation |
TDWR | Terminal Doppler Weather Radar |
TDZL | Touchdown Zone Light System |
TF | Track-to-Fix |
TFMS | Traffic Flow Management System |
TMC | Traffic Management Coordinator |
TMU | Traffic Management Unit |
TRACON | Terminal Radar Approach Control |
TRSA | Terminal radar service area |
UFO | Unidentified flying object |
UHF | Ultra high frequency |
USA | United States Army |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USN | United States Navy |
UTC | Coordinated universal time |
UTM | Unsuccessful transmission message |
UUA | Urgent pilot weather report |
VCI | Voice Communication Indicator |
VFR | Visual flight rules |
VHF | Very high frequency |
VMC | Visual meteorological conditions |
VNAV | Vertical Navigation |
VOR | VHF navigational aid (omnidirectional course information) |
VOR/DME | Collocated VOR and DME navigational aids (VHF course and UHF distance information) |
VORTAC | Collocated VOR and TACAN navigation aids (VHF and UHF course and UHF distance information) |
VR | VFR military training route |
VSCS | Voice Switching and Control System |
WAAS | Wide Area Augmentation System |
WARP | Weather and Radar Processing |
WATRS | West Atlantic Route System |
WRA | Weather Reconnaissance Area |
WSO | Weather Service Office |
WSP | Weather System Processor |
WST | Convective SIGMET |