TERMINAL. Observed elements of weather information must be disseminated as follows:
General weather information, such as “large breaks in the overcast,” “visibility lowering to the south,” or similar statements which do not include specific values, and any elements derived directly from instruments, pilots, or radar may be transmitted to pilots or other ATC facilities without consulting the weather reporting station.
Specific values, such as ceiling and visibility, may be transmitted if obtained by one of the following means:
You are properly certificated and acting as official weather observer for the elements being reported.
NOTE: USAF controllers do not serve as official weather observers.
You have obtained the information from the official observer for the elements being reported.
The weather report was composed or verified by the weather station.
The information is obtained from a FAA approved automation surface weather system.
Differences between weather elements observed from the tower and those reported by the weather station must be reported to the official observer for the element concerned.
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