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    Controllers must advise pilots of hazardous weather that may impact operations within 150 NM of their sector or area of jurisdiction. Hazardous weather information contained in the advisories includes Airmen's Meteorological Information (AIRMET) (except over the CONUS), Significant Meteorological Information (SIGMET), Convective SIGMET (WST), Urgent Pilot Weather Reports (UUA), and Center Weather Advisories (CWA). Facilities must review alert messages to determine the geographical area and operational impact of hazardous weather information. Advisories are not required if aircraft on your frequency(s) will not be affected.

    In recognition that there are several uses/definitions for the acronym CONUS, references herein to CONUS are specific to the contiguous United States (i.e., “lower 48”).

    1. Controllers must broadcast a hazardous inflight weather advisory on all frequencies, except emergency frequency, upon receipt of hazardous weather information. Controllers are required to disseminate data based on the operational impact on the sector or area of control jurisdiction. Pilots requesting additional information must be directed to contact the nearest Flight Service.
      • ATTENTION ALL AIRCRAFT. HAZARDOUS WEATHER INFORMATION (SIGMET, Convective SIGMET, AIRMET, Urgent Pilot Weather Report (UUA), or Center Weather Advisory (CWA), Number or Numbers) FOR (specific weather phenomenon) WITHIN (geographical area) AVAILABLE ON FLIGHT SERVICE FREQUENCIES.
    2. Terminal facilities have the option to limit hazardous weather information broadcasts as follows: Tower cab and approach control facilities may opt to broadcast hazardous weather information alerts only when any part of the area described is within 50 NM of the airspace under their jurisdiction.
    3. EN ROUTE. ERAM. Controllers must electronically acknowledge hazardous weather information messages after appropriate action has been taken.

      EN ROUTE. While hazardous weather information is commonly distributed via the SIGMET View, it is possible to receive the information via the GI View.

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