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    1. For normal operations, arresting systems remotely controlled by ATC must remain in the retracted or down position.
      • NOTE:
      • USN Runway Arresting Gear-barriers are not operated by ATC personnel. Readiness/rigging of the equipment is the responsibility of the operations department.
      • A request to raise a barrier or hook cable means the barrier or cable on the departure end of the runway. If an approach end engagement is required, the pilot or military authority will specifically request that the approach end cable be raised.
      • FAA Order JO 7610.4, Chapter 9, Section 3. Aircraft Arresting System, Single Frequency Approach (SFA), Simulated Flameout (SFO)/Emergency Landing Pattern (ELP) Operations, Celestial Navigation (CELNAV) Training, Para 9-3-1 through Para 9-3-8.
    2. Raise aircraft arresting systems whenever:
      1. Requested by a pilot.
        • NOTE: The standard emergency phraseology for a pilot requesting an arresting system to be raised for immediate engagement is:
        • or
        • “CABLE - CABLE - CABLE.”
      2. Requested by military authority; e.g., airfield manager, supervisor of flying, mobile control officer, etc.

        NOTE: USAF. Web barriers at the departure end of the runway may remain in the up position when requested by the senior operational commander. The IFR Enroute Supplement and AP-1 will describe specific barrier configuration. ATC will advise transient aircraft of the barrier configuration using the phraseology in subpara c, below.

      3. A military jet aircraft is landing with known or suspected radio failure or conditions (drag chute/hydraulic/electrical failure, etc.) that indicate an arresting system may be needed. Exceptions are authorized for military aircraft which cannot engage an arresting system (C-9, C-141, C-5, T-39, etc.) and should be identified in a letter of agreement and/or appropriate military directive.
    3. When requested by military authority due to freezing weather conditions or malfunction of the activating mechanism, the barrier/cable may remain in a raised position provided aircraft are advised.
      • YOUR DEPARTURE/LANDING WILL BE TOWARD/OVER A RAISED BARRIER/CABLE ON RUNWAY (number), (location, distance, as appropriate).
    4. Inform civil and U.S. Army aircraft whenever rubber supported cables are in place at the approach end of the landing runway, and include the distance of the cables from the threshold. This information may be omitted if it is published in the Domestic Notices webpage, International Notices webpage, or the DOD FLIP.
      • EXAMPLE
      • “Runway One Four arresting cable one thousand feet from threshold.”
    5. When arresting system operation has been requested, inform the pilot of the indicated barrier/cable position.
    6. Time permitting, advise pilots of the availability of all arresting systems on the runway in question when a pilot requests barrier information.
    7. If an aircraft engages a raised barrier/cable, initiate crash alarm procedures immediately.
    8. For preplanned practice engagements not associated with emergencies, crash alarm systems need not be activated if, in accordance with local military operating procedures, all required notifications are made before the practice engagement.
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