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    1. To meet the demand for more facilities capable of operating under CAT III weather, Type II equipment is being upgraded to Integrity Level 3. This integrity level will support operations which place a high degree of reliance on ILS guidance for positioning through touchdown.
    2. Installation of the FFM remote status indicating units is necessary to attain the integrity necessary to meet internationally agreed upon reliability values in support of CAT III operations on Type II ILS equipment. The remote status indicating unit used in conjunction with Type II equipment adds a third integrity test; thereby, producing an approach aid which has integrity capable of providing Level 3 service.
    3. The remote status sensing unit, when installed in the tower cab, will give immediate indications of localizer out-of-tolerance conditions. The alarm in the FFM remote status sensing unit indicates an inoperative or an out-of-tolerance localizer signal; e.g., the course may have shifted due to equipment malfunction or vehicle/aircraft encroachment into the critical area.
    4. Operation of the FFM remote sensing unit will be based on the prevailing weather. The FFM remote sensing unit must be operational when the weather is below CAT II ILS minimums.
      • FAA Order 6750.24, Appendix A, Abnormal Checklist.
    5. When the remote status unit indicates that the localizer FFM is in alarm (aural warning following the preset delay) and:
      1. The aircraft is outside the middle marker (MM) or in the absence of a MM, ½ mile final, check for encroachment of those portions of the critical area that can be seen from the tower. It is understood that the entire critical area may not be visible due to low ceilings and poor visibility. The check is strictly to determine possible causal factors for the out-of-tolerance situation. If the alarm has not cleared prior to the aircraft's arriving at the MM or in the absence of a MM, ½ mile final, immediately issue an advisory that the FFM remote status sensing unit indicates the localizer is unreliable.
      2. The aircraft is between the MM or ½ mile final and the inner marker (IM), or if the IM is not installed, the CAT II Missed Approach Point (MAP), immediately issue an advisory that the FFM remote status sensing unit indicates the localizer is unreliable.
      3. The aircraft has passed the IM or the CAT II MAP (if the IM is not installed) there is no action requirement. Although the FFM has been modified with filters which dampen the effect of false alarms, you may expect alarms when aircraft are located between the FFM and the localizer antenna either on landing or on takeoff.
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