For VFR aircraft receiving radar advisories, issue a computer-assigned beacon code.
If the aircraft is outside of your area of responsibility and an operational benefit will be gained by
retaining the aircraft on your frequency for the purpose of providing services, ensure that coordination has
been effected:
(a) As soon as possible after positive identification, and
(b) Prior to issuing a control instruction or providing a service other than a safety alert/traffic
NOTE: Safety alerts/traffic advisories may be issued to an aircraft prior to coordination if an imminent
situation may be averted by such action. Coordination should be effected as soon as possible thereafter.
Instruct an IFR aircraft that cancels its IFR flight plan and is not requesting radar advisory service, or a VFR
aircraft for which radar advisory service is being terminated, to squawk VFR.
SQUAWK 1200.
1. Aircraft not in contact with ATC may squawk 1255 in lieu of 1200 while en
route to/from or within designated firefighting areas.
2. VFR aircraft which fly authorized SAR missions for the USAF or USCG may be advised to squawk
1277 in lieu of 1200 while en route to/from or within the designated search
3. VFR gliders should squawk 1202 in lieu of 1200. Gliders operate under
some flight and maneuvering limitations. They may go from essentially stationary targets while climbing and
thermaling to moving targets very quickly. They can be expected to make radical changes in flight direction to
find lift and cannot hold altitude in a response to an ATC request. Gliders may congregate together for short
periods of time to climb together in thermals and may cruise together in loose formations while traveling
between thermals.
4. The lead aircraft in a s tandard VFR formation flight not in contact with ATC should squawk 1203 in lieu
of 1200. All other aircraft in the formation should squawk standby.
FAA Order JO 7110.66, National Beacon Code Allocation Plan.
When an aircraft changes from VFR to IFR, assign a beacon code to Mode C equipped aircraft that will allow MSAW
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