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    1. Assign headings that will permit final approach course interception on a track that does not exceed the interception angles specified in TBL 5-9-1.
      TBL 5-9-1 Approach Course Interception Angle
      Distance from interception point to approach gate Maximum interception angle
      Less than 2 miles or triple simultaneous approaches in use 20 degrees
      2 miles or more 30 degrees (45 degrees for helicopters)
    2. If deviations from the final approach course are observed after initial course interception, apply the following:
      1. Outside the approach gate: apply procedures in accordance with subpara a, if necessary, vector the aircraft for another approach.
      2. Inside the approach gate: inform the pilot of the aircraft's position and ask intentions.
        • (Ident) (distance) MILE(S) FROM THE AIRPORT, (distance) MILE(S) RIGHT/LEFT OF COURSE, SAY INTENTIONS.

        NOTE: The intent is to provide for a track course intercept angle judged by the controller to be no greater than specified by this procedure.

        • REFERENCE
        • FAA Order JO 7110.65, Chapter 5, Section 9, Radar Arrivals, and Section 10, Radar Approaches- Terminal.
    3. EN ROUTE. When using a radar scope range above 125 NM, the controller must solicit and receive a pilot report that the aircraft is established on the final approach course. If the pilot has not reported established by the final approach gate, inform the pilot of his/her observed position and ask intentions.

      NOTE: It may be difficult to accurately determine small distances when using very large range settings.

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