Separate aircraft on the same, converging, or crossing courses by an interval expressed in time or distance, using the following minima:
When the leading aircraft maintains a speed at least 44 knots faster than the following aircraft - 5 miles between DME equipped aircraft; RNAV equipped aircraft using ATD; and between DME and ATD aircraft provided the DME aircraft is either 10,000 feet or below or outside of 10 miles from the DME NAVAID, or 3 minutes between other aircraft if, in either case, one of the following conditions is met:
A departing aircraft follows a preceding aircraft which has taken off from the same or adjacent airport. (See FIG 6-4-1.)
FIG 6-4-1 Minima on Same Course 44 Knots or More Separation
A departing aircraft follows a preceding en route aircraft which has reported over a fix serving the departure airport. (See FIG 6-4-2.)
FIG 6-4-2 Minima on Converging Courses 44 Knots or More Separation
An en route aircraft follows a preceding en route aircraft which has reported over the same fix. (See FIG 6-4-3.)
FIG 6-4-3 Minima on Crossing Courses 44 Knots or More Separation
When the leading aircraft maintains a speed at least 22 knots faster than the following aircraft - 10 miles between DME equipped aircraft; RNAV equipped aircraft using ATD; and between DME and ATD aircraft provided the DME aircraft is either 10,000 feet or below or outside of 10 miles from the DME NAVAID; or 5 minutes between other aircraft if, in either case, one of the following conditions exists:
A departing aircraft follows a preceding aircraft which has taken off from the same or an adjacent airport. (See FIG 6-4-4.)
FIG 6-4-4 Minima on Same Course 22 Knots or More Separation
A departing aircraft follows a preceding en route aircraft which has reported over a fix serving the departure airport. (See FIG 6-4-5.)
FIG 6-4-5 Minima on Converging Courses 22 Knots or More Separation
An en route aircraft follows a preceding en route aircraft which has reported over the same fix. (See FIG 6-4-6.)
FIG 6-4-6 Minima on Crossing Courses 22 Knots or More Separation
When an aircraft is climbing or descending through the altitude of another aircraft:
Between DME equipped aircraft; RNAV equipped aircraft using ATD; and between DME and ATD aircraft provided the DME aircraft is either 10,000 feet or below or outside of 10 miles from the DME NAVAID- 10 miles, if the descending aircraft is leading or the climbing aircraft is following. (See FIG 6-4-7 and FIG 6-4-8.)
FIG 6-4-7 Descending Through Another Aircraft's Altitude DME SeparationFIG 6-4-8 Climbing Through Another Aircraft's Altitude DME Separation
Between other aircraft - 5 minutes, if all of the following conditions are met: (See FIG 6-4-9 and FIG 6-4-10.)
(a) The descending aircraft is leading or climbing aircraft is following.
(b) The aircraft are separated by not more than 4,000 feet when the altitude change started.
(c) The change is started within 10 minutes after a following aircraft reports over a fix reported over by the leading aircraft or has acknowledged a clearance specifying the time to cross the same fix.
Between RNAV aircraft that are operating along an RNAV route that is eight miles or less in width- 10 miles provided the following conditions are met:
(a) The descending aircraft is leading or the climbing aircraft is following.
(b) The aircraft were separated by not more than 4,000 feet when the altitude change started.
FIG 6-4-9 Descending Through Another Aircraft's Altitude Timed SeparationFIG 6-4-10 Climbing Through Another Aircraft's Altitude Timed Separation
When the conditions of subparagraphs a, b, or c cannot be met- 20 miles between DME equipped aircraft; RNAV equipped aircraft using ATD; and between DME and ATD aircraft provided the DME aircraft is either 10,000 feet or below or outside of 10 miles from the DME NAVAID; or 10 minutes between other aircraft. (See FIG 6-4-11, FIG 6-4-12, FIG 6-4-13, FIG 6-4-14, FIG 6-4-15, and FIG 6-4-16.)
FIG 6-4-11 Minima for Same Course SeparationFIG 6-4-12 Minima for Crossing Courses SeparationFIG 6-4-13 Minima for Same Course SeparationFIG 6-4-14 Minima for Crossing Courses SeparationFIG 6-4-15 Climbing Through Another Aircraft's Altitude SeparationFIG 6-4-16 Descending Through Another Aircraft's Altitude Separation
Between aircraft, when one aircraft is using DME/ATD and the other is not- 30 miles if both the following conditions are met: (See FIG 6-4-17 and FIG 6-4-18.)
FIG 6-4-17 Minima for Same Course SeparationFIG 6-4-18 Minima for Crossing Courses Separation
The aircraft using DME/ATD derives distance information by reference to the same NAVAID or waypoint over which the aircraft not using DME/ATD has reported.
The aircraft not using DME/ATD is within 15 minutes of the NAVAID.
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