Apply TRSA procedures within the designated TRSA in addition to the basic services described in Chapter 7, Visual, Section 6, Basic Radar Service to VFR Aircraft- Terminal.
Inform the pilot when to expect further clearance when VFR aircraft are held either inside or outside the TRSA.
Separate participating VFR aircraft from IFR aircraft and other participating VFR aircraft by any one of the following:
NOTE: Issue wake turbulence cautionary advisories in accordance with para 2-1-20, Wake Turbulence Cautionary Advisories.
NOTE: Apply the provisions of Paragraph 5-5-4, Minima, subparagraphs g and h, when wake turbulence separation is required.
Helicopters need not be separated from other helicopters. Traffic information must be exchanged, as necessary.
The tower must specify the approach interval.
NOTE: Departing aircraft are assumed to want TRSA service unless the pilot states, “negative TRSA service,” or makes a similar comment. Pilots are expected to inform the controller of intended destination and/or route of flight and altitude.