When routes have been satisfactorily flight checked and notice has been given to users, reduction in route protected airspace may be made as follows:
Below FL240, reduce the width of the protected airspace to 5 miles on each side of the route centerline to a distance of 57.14 miles from the NAVAID, then increasing in width on a 5° angle from the route centerline, measured at the NAVAID, to the maximum width allowable within the lateral minima; for example, 50 miles of protected airspace on each side of centerline; i.e., a lateral minimum of 100 miles. (See FIG 8-4-8.)
FIG 8-4-8 Reduction of Route Protected Airspace
At and above FL 240, reduce the width of the protected airspace to 10 miles on each side of the route centerline to a distance of 114.29 miles from the NAVAID, then increasing in width on a 5_ angle from the route centerline, as measured at the NAVAID, to the maximum width allowable within the lateral minima; for example, 60 miles of protected airspace on each side of the centerline; i.e., a lateral separation minimum of 120 miles. (See FIG 8-4-9.)
FIG 8-4-9 Reduction of Route Protected Airspace
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