9-1-1. GENERAL

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  • 9-1-1. GENERAL

    Provide aircraft engaged in the flight inspection of NAVAIDs with maximum assistance. Unless otherwise agreed to, maintain direct contact with the pilot and exchange information regarding known traffic in the area and his/her intentions.

    • NOTE:
    • 1. Many flight inspections are accomplished using automatic recording equipment, and an uninterrupted flight is necessary for successful completion of the mission. The workload for the limited number of aircraft engaged in these activities requires strict adherence to a schedule.
    • 2. Flight inspection operations which require special participation of ground personnel, specific communications, or radar operation capabilities are considered to require special handling. These flights are coordinated with appropriate facilities before departure.
    • FAA Order 8200.1, United States Standard Flight Inspection Manual.
    • FAA Order 8240.41, Flight Inspection/Air Traffic On-Site Coordination Requirements.
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