Hiring Bid Air Traffic Control Specialist - Trainee: FAA-ATO-18-ALLSRCE-57792

I received a TOL and replied back within 24 hours. Should I be worried if I haven't heard a reply yet? I would have liked to have received a confirmation of my acceptance already, but with Christmas and the shutdown I assume it would be reasonable to hear a confirmation much later than the five-day window we receive to accept the TOL.

Furthermore, I'm out of the country right now, so it's not so simple to just pick up a phone and call.
I had the exact same question, and pretty much came to the same conclusion. Unfortunately for you, I also came to the conclusion that if I asked I’d get a snarky reply from some a-hole named boots, whose sole purpose seems to be existing as an a-hole in this thread and serving no useful purpose. Thanks for taking one for the team
I had the exact same question, and pretty much came to the same conclusion. Unfortunately for you, I also came to the conclusion that if I asked I’d get a snarky reply from some a-hole named boots, whose sole purpose seems to be existing as an a-hole in this thread and serving no useful purpose. Thanks for taking one for the team
I'm sorry if using common sense came off as snarky.
Someone on Stuckmic called HR and they said there would be more waves. It's also what has happened in pretty much every other recent bid in the past.

But isn't that just to replace people who didn't respond to the TOL? Going through the 2017 thread it seems like later "waves" were much, much smaller than the first. I'm still holding out hope, but it's pretty slim at this point.
But isn't that just to replace people who didn't respond to the TOL? Going through the 2017 thread it seems like later "waves" were much, much smaller than the first. I'm still holding out hope, but it's pretty slim at this point.
I don't know, but the person on Stuckmic said HR told them after just the first wave at 12:45pm eastern on Friday they would be sending out more, so that doesn't have anything to do with not accepting a TOL.

I don't have any hope left for this bid, but I'm just saying what I read on there.
Just so all of you know HR, and the medical analyst aren't just processing new hires, they are also processing things for current controllers. If I remember correctly there are less than 10 HR people that actually handle the FOLs and maybe TOLs in OKC. So the more you guys call to ask questions that have been answered on here, the less time you're giving them to do there job. Sure if you haven't heard anything back for a week plus follow up with them, but 24 hrs is a little ridiculous to start worrying. Sit back relax and enjoy the wait. These people are probably worried more about how long they will be furloughed vs replying to hundreds of emails about the receipt of a TOL.
So (assuming we pass medical, etc.) are we going to find out if we're enroute or terminal just a few weeks before we head out to the academy?
I like terminal for the potential to choose from way way way more locations, but I understand you can go from en route to terminal later on in your career. I also like the idea of having windows to look out of...
I'm kind of a nerd. I love watching planes take off and land. Love the airport environment. I also prefer working with a few others rather than a ton of people. There are also 4 terminal facilities within commuting distance of my hometown should the opportunity arise to transfer in. Again happy to get a job either way but if I have a say, I would prefer terminal.
Combo of reasons for me, mostly what Allen said...
  • I like the idea of an up/down so you aren't doing the exact same thing every day
  • I like looking at airplanes
  • More physical locations to go to
  • Lower-level facilities -> greater chance of something approaching a regular sleep schedule (no mids, possibly)
That's about it. Also in the past Terminal classes had a higher pass rate, I think they still do but the difference compared to Enroute is less.
Terminal or Enroute I’m greatful for the opportunity. Give me anything I’ll take it and run with it. This will be the greatest job in the world.

Also wanted to echo something that was said earlier. The more we call the less time HR has to work on the important things. This is a slow process. It’ll probably be a good idea to create
FAA-ATO-18-ALLSRCE-57792 CIL thread to help each other out with questions someone on this site can answer. Instead of calling HR for the simple things. Just know that you could probably be in OKC April May June July August September October November December, or beyond. No one will have that exact answer for you, but all you have to do is make sure you submit all paperwork required. The faster you do it the greater possibility you could make it to OKC in a short period of time. Also remember the government is shit down which will delay the process even more. And there’s little we could do about that.

Everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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This was a few years ago and I think things have changed but when I went through, everyone passed terminal. At the time, I wished I had gone terminal because they were always partying and looked relaxed and we were losing 50%.

Looking back on it, en route paid off. If you like looking at airplanes then okay but let's be honest, you're not going to go anywhere interesting straight out of the academy. You're going to be looking at Caravans and waiting for the big CRJ900 to come in. You're also going to get paid a lot less...a lot less to the point where some D1's at centers make more than CPC's do at these towers.

You'll also end up moving probably around 2-3x before you get somewhere you really want to be. If your end goal is to be at 12 then when you do get to a 12 you'll also be years behind people who went straight to centers and not only on the missed income during the years it took you to get there but also the missed years of the raises within the band.

I did move once to get to where I wanted but I was already at a 12 making money while waiting. I also moved and immediately bought a new house whereas terminal transfers are putting that part of their lives on hold until they certify.

There's pros and cons to everything. When I was waiting on a TOL, I would have said yeah...$70k sounds great - sign me up! Don't get me wrong...that is good money but when you realize after you certify that you could be making double and you start having kids and the bills associated with kids...the extra money is certainly nice.
Does anyone know if either classes are backlogged? I'll be happy with either but I would MUCH rather have terminal.
Doesn't matter what the status is right now... You won't be attending the Academy for months. Most recently I believe they were looking for people to switch to enroute but I can't say for sure. Go back and read threads from a month ago.
Welp, been lurking a while now. Finally got a TOL after two or three unsuccessful bids in the past (the first of which was like 2014), so hopefully this post will be the first of many. First time taking the ATSA, Pool 2 obviously.

Current federal employee, turned 30 just after the bid closed so I think this is my last shot. Will be giving up a decent pay cut just for the opportunity.

For those who didn't get a TOL, set up your e-mail notifications for future bids with a specific search query on USAJOBS and keep working hard at whatever you're doing currently.
Welp, been lurking a while now. Finally got a TOL after two or three unsuccessful bids in the past (the first of which was like 2014), so hopefully this post will be the first of many. First time taking the ATSA, Pool 2 obviously.

Current federal employee, turned 30 just after the bid closed so I think this is my last shot. Will be giving up a decent pay cut just for the opportunity.

For those who didn't get a TOL, set up your e-mail notifications for future bids with a specific search query on USAJOBS and keep working hard at whatever you're doing currently.
congrats vault, hope it all works out. Thank you for the advice.
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