AG Swap

Seems like a lot of people have the "I suffered so everyone should suffer mindset". Let's not forget there was a time where people had an idea of where they were going before heading to the Academy. Of course it is unfair to those that didn't have the option previously if they were to start allowing it but I think everyone should support reasonable movement towards allowing people to go where they want.
There was a time where you knew your facility and everyone in your class was going to that facility
I don’t have a problem with the idea of it because It’s a one time situation. Rules have been bent and modified.

currency requirements have been slashed

training has been essentially made optional, left up to the local fac

supervisor deviations are suspended

all ncept releases are 12 months


Allowing people to swap back-and-forth between facilities they haven’t started training at in my opinion will only have a positive affect. It’s not “you get to leave” it’s a “you go and someone comes in to take your place” no net gain or loss.

I say it’s a positive thing because let’s pretend that you have people at say Minneapolis center and Seattle Center. people from the local areas are Places at the opposite facilities they want to me and want to switch To somewhere closer to home but you deny it. Now you train the guy from Seattle and he certifies at Minneapolis center, the first thing he’s going to do is try to bid out anywhere in Seattle. All that training And work put in to someone only for them to want to bounce as soon as possible. and he might be out the door even before you.

but if you’re training someone who actively wants to be at the facility and stay long term, this person is much more likely to stick around I believe, make it worthwhile to bother to train them in the first place rather than to have them try to transfer somewhere else the day they get certified.

yes, it’s not fair for people who graduated the Academy in normal times and didn’t have this option and it would’ve been nice, but this is a unique circumstance and I think in the long run it makes sense to allow people to transfer around provided it’s a one for one swap. putting people where they want to be will encourage longevity at facilities rather than forcing people to be places that they don’t want to be and ultimately wasting everyone’s time Because they won’t stay. A move now prevents moves down the line
Nail on the head! Be careful though. This kind of common sense thinking is what gets people in trouble. ?
There was a time where you knew your facility and everyone in your class was going to that facility
This is correct. I come from that time.
I say it’s a positive thing because let’s pretend that you have people at say Minneapolis center and Seattle Center. These people are from the Respective local areas but got placed at opposite facilities they wanted and now want to switch to be somewhere closer to home. but you deny it, it’s not in the contract so fuck you both! Be happy you have the best job in the world! Now you train the guy from Seattle and after 3 years he certifies at Minneapolis center. The first thing he’s going to do is try to bid out, anywhere in Seattle. All that training And work put in to someone, only for them to want to bounce as soon as possible. and he might be out the door even before you Bc of how ncept works.
This is exactly what I did lol. Class who graduated 2 days behind me at the academy in 2015 had ZOB on their list. I had ZMP on mine. I wanted ZOB and another who passed in the other class wanted ZMP... they wouldn’t let us switch. ERR’d within 7 months of CPC there at ZMP to D21 to get home. Probably would’ve just stayed at ZOB for a while since the move from there to Detroit isn’t that significant.
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