Aircraft Level Altitude vs climbing/descending


Forum Sage
Question that has come up here... Say you N12345 departing a satellite airport and requesting 090 (top of your airspace and the adjacent facility’s airspace is 100). They aren’t going to be level at the boundary, with another approach control, and you don’t have a LOA that specifically states aircraft can be climbing to or descending to certain altitudes. Are you required to coordinate/appreq the climb to 090 or is the flight progress strip altitude of 090 automatic approval once a radar handoff is accomplished?

The transferring controller must:
a. Complete a radar handoff prior to an aircraft’s entering the airspace delegated to the receiving controller.
FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 2−1−14, Coordinate Use of Airspace. FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 2−1−15, Control Transfer.
FAAO JO 7110.65, Para 5−4−6, Receiving Controller Handoff.
b. Verbally obtain the receiving controller’s approval prior to making any changes to an aircraft’s flight path, altitude, speed, or data block information while the handoff is being initiated or after acceptance, unless otherwise specified by a LOA or a facility directive.
c. Ensure that, prior to transferring communications:
1. Potential violations of adjacent airspace and potential conflicts between aircraft in their own area of jurisdiction are resolved.
2. Coordination has been accomplished with all controllers through whose area of jurisdiction the aircraft will pass prior to entering the receiving
controller’s area of jurisdiction unless otherwise specified by a LOA or a facility directive.
3. Restrictions issued to ensure separation are passed to the receiving controller.
d. After transferring communications, continue to comply with the requirements of subparas c1 and 2.
e. Comply with restrictions issued by the receiving controller unless otherwise coordinated.
f. Comply with the provisions of para 2−1−17, Radio Communications Transfer, subparas a and b. To the extent possible, transfer communications when the transfer of radar identification has been accepted.
Before the ARTS/STARS “modify/quick look” function is used to transfer radar identification, a facility directive which specifies communication transfer points is required.
g. Advise the receiving controller of pertinent information not contained in the data block or flight progress strip unless covered in a LOA or facility directive. Pertinent information includes:
1. Assigned heading.
2. Air speed restrictions.
3. Altitude information issued.
4. Observed track or deviation from the last route clearance.
5. The beacon code if different from that normally used or previously coordinated.
6. Any other pertinent information.
h. Ensure that the datablock is associated with the appropriate target.
i. Initiate verbal coordination to verify the position of primary or nondiscrete targets when using the automated handoff functions except for intrafacility handoffs using single-sensor systems or multisensor systems operating in a mosaic RDP mode.
j. Initiate verbal coordination before transferring control of a track when “CST,” “FAIL,” “NONE,” “NB,” “NX,” “IF,” “NT”, or “TRK” is displayed in the data block.
k. Advise the receiving controller if radar monitoring is required.
l. Issue restrictions to the receiving controller which are necessary to maintain separation from other aircraft within your area of jurisdiction before releasing control of the aircraft.
m. Consider the target being transferred as identified on the receiving controller’s display when the receiving controller acknowledges receipt verbally or has accepted an automated handoff.
n. Accomplish the necessary coordination with any intervening controllers whose area of jurisdiction is affected by the receiving controller’s delay in the climb or the descent of an aircraft through the vertical limits of your area of jurisdiction when the receiving controller advises you of that delay before accepting the transfer of radar identification unless otherwise specified by a LOA or a facility directive.
I worked at a facility once that had a janitor who had special needs. Ppl would ask if he wanted to control, and then give him a headset at the empty scope. He loved it. The only thing he would say was... "CLIMB! CLIMB! CLIMB!" over and over. I never once heard him APREQ it.
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