Changes to OKC Per-Diem effective 6/1


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I was talking with a housing provider in OKC yesterday and I was told that effective 6/1 there will be changes to the way the FAA issues per-diem at the Academy. The skinny is that because of complications with trainee's housing during the shutdown that the FAA would be eliminating the self pay option for housing per-diem. Essentially, the housing part of the per-diem becomes "use it or loose it" and there will be no ability to pocket the remainder. This would be effective only to new-hires starting 6/1. Anyone hired and at the Academy before 6/1, or controller back fro RTF would still be able to do the self pay option.

Has there been any one else who has heard the same? Kinda sucks, really. I will be headed to OKC after 6/1 so this would apply.
Heard a rumor this would be happening, but nothing beyond that. Unfortunately it makes a lot of sense - the FAA paid me almost $2000 more than what my housing actually cost just in housing per-diem, despite me turning in receipts every month showing how much I was actually paying. It'll probably really screw some of the housing providers too - Kim's and IB especially are gonna have to seriously up their offering if they have any chance of competing with Anatole without the ability to undercut prices.
I'm staying at Kim's when I go to RTF regardless but it definitely sucks
Well according to OP it doesn’t effect you.
Heard a rumor this would be happening, but nothing beyond that. Unfortunately it makes a lot of sense - the FAA paid me almost $2000 more than what my housing actually cost just in housing per-diem, despite me turning in receipts every month showing how much I was actually paying. It'll probably really screw some of the housing providers too - Kim's and IB especially are gonna have to seriously up their offering if they have any chance of competing with Anatole without the ability to undercut prices.
It doesn’t make sense cus Kim will just get more money. She’s not gonna charge less.
It doesn’t make sense cus Kim will just get more money. She’s not gonna charge less.

I wonder if the long-term plan is that the FAA will negotiate individual rates with every provider and just let the students choose one of the places on their list without regard to cost. So they might make a deal with Kim that she'll only get $35 per student per day, for example, and they'll just pay her directly instead of reimbursing students. And since so many of these housing providers rely on the academy for their survival, the FAA would be able to offer drastically lower rates and force the providers to either accept them or not get any students at all.
I wonder if the long-term plan is that the FAA will negotiate individual rates with every provider and just let the students choose one of the places on their list without regard to cost. So they might make a deal with Kim that she'll only get $35 per student per day, for example, and they'll just pay her directly instead of reimbursing students. And since so many of these housing providers rely on the academy for their survival, the FAA would be able to offer drastically lower rates and force the providers to either accept them or not get any students at all.
Idk if they can do that. The per dirk rate is a federal thing not an FAA thing.
The provider basically said it was because of the number of people who signed leases at a non provider establishment, i.e. renting an apartment for 4 months. Those people were held to their leases during the shutdown, while no per-diem was being paid, and then had an issue finding housing after their leases were up.
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