FAA medicals can be a huge pain in the ass... Story time:
I've held a Second Class medical with a Second Class SODA (statement of demonstrated ability - essentially its a waiver for a disqualifying condition) for over a year. My Second Class was set to expire at the end of April 2019 and my ATC medical exam was in March 2019 (I'm part of the 2018 OTS bid). After speaking with HR medical, I learned I still had to do the ATC medical exam regardless of my Second Class. I go in for the exam (brought my current medical and SODA with me), I asked the Doc if he'd issue me a renewal for my Second Class, he told me it had to be another separate physical - reapply on MedExpress, blah blah blah - ok, fine, government logic, whatever... I book an appointment for April with my regular AME (different dude, he doesn't do FAA employment medicals), I go in, we do the exam per usual, no issue with my SODA. At the end when they're inputting all the info on MedExpress to issue me a certificate, they kept getting an error message. They call OKC, and apparently they can't issue me a new Second Class because it hadn't been 90 days since my last physical. Seriously? So now my Second Class expires (reverts to Third Class) and I book an appointment for 90 days from the ATC physical. I go in for that appointment - same result (hadn't been 90 days since my last MedExpress application - WTF). They said screw it, we'll fax the exam to OKC and they can issue me the new Second Class. A few months later, I got a Special Issuance - which isn't correct considering I have a SODA. Oh well, at least I got my medical back.....
As far as my ATC medical goes, I got a DQ notice for the exact condition that I was issued a Second Class SODA, and now a Special Issuance. Naturally, I sent in my appeal. So here I sit, still waiting to hear if I'll be medically cleared and get a class date.